Example sentences of "and had [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had hitherto resisted the pressure for his resignation , and had been supported by Prime Minister Felipe González Marquez , a close friend and political ally since the 1960s .
2 Franco 's failure to assist them undoubtedly contributed to that result and had been calculated in political rather than exclusively military terms .
3 Debray , later a minister in France 's socialist President Mitterrand 's Government , had spent time with Guevara in the jungle , and had been sentenced to thirty years by the Bolivians .
4 The appellant was Michael Thomas Bromell who had been convicted on 16 October 1987 at Warwick Crown Court of unlawful wounding and had been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment .
5 Conversely , many of those in the amalgamated force who had previously worn helmets in their earlier life and had been moved into flat caps in 1969 welcomed the return to ‘ natural ’ apparel and their own version of a correct bodily disposition which had been prescribed in a 1958 edition of the Northumberland County Police Standing Orders .
6 Bahamas has arrived from Keighley the previous day , travelling in tandem with ‘ Princess Margaret Rose ’ from Blackburn and had been kept in light steam .
7 He said the statue was well received at the Garden Festival and had been wanted by many local authorities .
8 Since 1986 Gotti had faced three previous trials and had been acquitted on all charges .
9 In 1931 Brian Guinness ( later Lord Moyne ) , the author and poet , who had lived in Ireland and had been spoiled with beautiful architecture , bought Biddesden , recognizing it as one of the most exceptional small houses in England .
10 The militia lost heart at this news ; they had already been on duty for a month , and had been treated with extraordinary meanness by the citizens they were defending , who , they complained , ‘ would not even allow straw for the poor men to lay upon ’ while ‘ some were eight , some seven , and all six nights and days under arms upon the walls ’ .
11 A phased return of responsibility from the army to the civilian police was begun in 1976 and had been completed for most of the region by early 1977 .
12 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
13 Within months the sign had replaced the customary ‘ thumbs-up ’ and had been adopted throughout beleaguered Europe as a symbol of defiance to Nazism .
14 Getty , 59 , had been Premier since 1985 and had been re-elected in 1989 .
15 When the history of the church was being researched a footnote in an 18th century volume identified a drawing of some stained-glass panels which had long since fallen into disrepair and had been replaced by plain lights .
16 Opened for signature at UNCED in Rio in June 1992 [ see ED 59-60 ] , the biodiversity convention had 160 signatories to date , and had been ratified by six countries ; it thus needed 24 more ratifications in order to come into effect .
17 Van in those days was remote from Constantinople and had been visited by few Europeans .
18 In a dream a tall thin priest informed him that the two pieces came from the same votive cylinder and had been cut in two to make earrings for a statue of the god Ninib .
19 Both very meticulous players , they had fallen more than one hole behind and had been warned for slow play .
20 Croll managed the day to day administration of the office until he retired in 1881 by which time he was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and had been honoured by learned bodies at home and abroad .
21 New Democracy , the antics of whose leaders had encouraged much of the media to treat it as a joke , was led by Count Ian Wachtmeister and had been formed in late 1990 as a populist " party of discontent " , campaigning on a platform which featured an overtly anti-immigrant stance .
22 The inquest heard that Leonie had been seen regularly by her GP and had been referred for psychiatric treatment .
23 The economy was undergoing its worst recession since 1945 and had been hit in particular by a fall of over 50 per cent in trade with the Soviet Union in the first three months of 1991 , and by a low dollar and over-valued Finnish markka , which seriously affected the forest industry .
24 Another , a woman who was living , and had been living for many years in , in continuous adultery !
25 One student looking for employment had finished his grant entitlement in the first quarter of 1984 , and had been job-seeking for six months ( Table 7.2 ) .
26 His father , also named Rudolf Slansky , had been general secretary of the CPCz and had been executed in 1952 after a show trial at which he was accused of being an agent of imperialism .
27 The twins had wandered out of the rectory garden and had been missing for twenty minutes .
28 He too had been a Governor , representing Manchester University between 1955 and 1969 , and had been knighted in 1976 .
29 This had a separate entrance and had been used for many purposes — the storage of deeds by the Wilts and Dorset Bank , prior to this by Mr. Peru , a solicitor , but when I was a small boy it had been leased to The Haunch of Venison Inn as a wine store and bottling plant .
30 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
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