Example sentences of "and his [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For he was Jack Longland ; and his name ran across the world after his experiences high on the unclimbed Mount Everest six years later .
2 Agency staff sometimes question themselves about a discharger 's economic position and his capacity to comply with the parameters and limits which they would ideally like to impose .
3 Ballesteros enjoys those moments of high drama when his nerve is put to the test and his resilience examined to the very end .
4 Fudu-myoo is single-minded in his pursuit of the truth , and his wrathful wielding of the Sword of Knowledge in his battle with human greed and ignorance is a fearsome sight to behold .
5 A prodigious runner , Mehew 's pace and fitness give Rovers the appearance of playing 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 at the same time and his willingness to get into the penalty area has brought him four goals already this season .
6 ‘ I 'm quite sure Dora can do without the services of an emissary , ’ she said coolly and his laughter echoed across the empty garden .
7 An elderly man with camping equipment hurls his rucksack over the crowd into the doorway , for there is not enough room for him and his luggage to get through the stampede .
8 He flicked his own eyes towards the rear seat , and his heart leapt as the black man 's eyes narrowed slightly then glanced at the figure in the back .
9 A man in a two-piece suit , and a thin cotton shirt and his tie knotted at the second button of the shirt .
10 But its fame survived , and Solomon and his temple became for the Middle Ages symbols of divine kingship and royal ( and indeed heavenly ) opulence .
11 His consultations were conducted fortissimo and his guffaws echoed through the hall which was his waiting room , lined with an interested audience , and out into the street : ‘ BEEN TO ITALY ?
12 Sentence : 180 hours community service , ordered to pay £83 compensation and £11 towards the costs of the prosecution , and ordered to be deprived of his rights in a car in which the appellant and his accomplices drove to the places where the thefts were committed .
13 Good to see United taken down a peg or two last evening , though it was nausating hearing that swarmy bastard Armfield and his accomplice talking about the scum in such glowing terms .
14 He stood by , watching as an elderly farmer and his wife went along the line , stopping before each man and commenting audibly to each other on his good and bad points .
15 The Major who lodged with Peggy stayed in the house and he was killed and his wife blown through the window , but she 's all right . ’
16 In the cold dawn , with the wind pushing them so that they could hardly face each other , the King and his wife met on the slope above the battered hall .
17 The wilder ones were rampant about black magic , the gruesome style of the mutilations , of kinky sex videos starring Polanski and his wife found at the house , and of the deep drug involvements of three of the victims .
18 He told them they were in for a terrific all singing , all dancing , all laughing evening in the company of a galaxy of West End stars , and he informed them , after a bow to the front row where the CO and his wife sat among the senior officers of the Battalion :
19 Later , as his family came into the world , it was to be the dining-room and a new surgery was built at the side of the house , but when Mrs Curdle first knew him , the doctor and his wife dined in the sunny little room at the back of the house , conveniently near to the kitchen .
20 An elderly man and his wife appeared at the other end of the bar .
21 Mr Peters and his wife stood by the main entrance greeting the congregation as they entered .
22 The moral revolution , which is very strikingly described in his autobiography , arose out of a visit that he and his wife paid to the Whitehead family , which were then undergoing a family tribulation of some kind , and Russell was deeply moved by their plight .
23 Eliot and his wife photographed in the early morning , following a celebration of the opening of The Elder Statesman , 26 September , 1958 .
24 A portrait of Canon Jarrat and his wife hangs in the church today .
25 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
26 In the Fiction , before he and his uncle arrive at the farm , Philip the narrator describes the image of Catherine that remained from the earlier encounter :
27 ‘ An NP-complete puzzle , ’ he said , standing with his hands behind his back and his gaze wandering towards the ceiling , ‘ is one in which the routes to the solution are so numerous that there is no single correct answer .
28 He stopped in his perambulation and his gaze fell on the table by the window ( set too high for children to see out of ) , on which was laid out a display of local history material .
29 He nodded and his gaze returned to the final frame of snooker .
30 He shook his head a fraction and his gaze slid to the door and back — but even searching the hyacinth radiance around his head she could not guess what he really meant to do .
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