Example sentences of "and they [was/were] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And they were wanting to Some of them anyway wanted to join the Portobello branch .
2 What and they were matched in some way ?
3 The terms were used in some LEAs to identify children on Statements of Special Educational Needs , and they were adopted by some authors to talk about the curriculum ( Gulliford 1985 ) .
4 Dr Devious had finished twelve lengths behind St Jovite in the Irish Derby and they were separated by less than a nostril yesterday .
5 They had a personal stake in improving their own incomes ( and they were aided in this by the growth of white-collar and public-sector trade unions ) , and they had a professional commitment to improve the lot of the clients of their services .
6 Eva and my father were going into the front room , hand-in-hand , and they were reaching for each other low down , and clutching , tongues out , pressed against each other even before they 'd got through the door .
7 She was telling them a story , and they were sitting on either side of her on the sofa with their mouths hanging slightly open , Gawain meditatively fingering a lock of her long , dark hair , Damian staring at her and absently scratching his balls .
8 I 've known when they used to deal with the flake , what they call the Flake Mill , that 's er down at erm Eagle Mill down near the lock gates when they were making this here which were like corn flakes for the , for the animals and and they were dropped like this , be nice and warm and
9 After an hour or so of this the group swam slowly and steadily away in a north-easterly direction along the Boston deeps , and they were watched following this course until the light failed .
10 And they were working at this Pit .
11 The relics were finally housed in the new cathedral dedicated to St Magnus at Kirkwall soon after 1137 and they were rediscovered in that same building in 1919 .
12 And now she could not stop talking , and he had put the book down , and they were shaking in each other 's arms , and he was kissing her , and she was kissing him , and really this would not do — they were in the embassy library , and anyone might come in , and , ‘ Dr Neil , we can not make love here ; it would not be proper , ’ she said breathlessly .
13 She had turned to him now and they were staring at each other .
14 No blinking Sam goes to me , cos we were , we were , we turned Arachnophobia off because people needed the toilet and erm there was Songs of Praise or , you know , something like that and they were talking about all this terrorism , somebody said oh I 'm glad you did n't go to London said but I did and she goes oh no you did n't did you ? worried about me going to London
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