Example sentences of "and they [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some female handed them a hypo-bulb and they sprayed it into Jezrael 's face , and there was a physical paralysis leadening her without physical pain .
2 And he said I was completely confused and I could n't , he said I was trying to shout my wife and erm and , er , you know my mouth would n't work , he said , but she said fortunately she looked through the window and er found him and they took him to hospital .
3 A paramedic crew from Mersey Regional Ambulance was waiting on the beach for Mr Ross and they took him to Southport and Formby District and General Hospital but he died shortly afterwards .
4 Thom picked up two oranges from the gutter but someone saw him and they took him to Derby Street police station and he got the sack from the police .
5 And they told me about Azul , in Jersey , and before that I think it was before that they showed me the forensic photographs of all of them : Bissett skewered on the railings , grotesque and spread and limp ; the blood-smeared vibrator used on the retired judge , Jamieson ; the drained shapeless white body of Persimmon , tied to his grid above a pool of blood , then nothing when there should have been something ; then what was left of Sir Rufus Carter , blackened bones , distorted and bent , the black skull 's jaw hinged down in a blind scream but the flesh all gone very much a dental-records job and it was all black , the nails , the wood and the bones too but it 's their mouths their jaws I remember , their silent screams , hanging slack or jammed open and it gets worse because they show me the fucking video they show me the video they think I made or that I think they think I made but I did n't ; they make me watch it and it 's horrific ; there 's a man and he 's dressed in black or dark blue and he has a gorilla mask on and he keeps sucking on this little bottle he 's carrying which must be helium because it gives him that baby voice disguising his own voice and he has this fat little guy strapped to a chrome seat , his mouth taped , one arm tied down onto the arm of the chair , shirt rolled up and the little guy 's shrieking as hard as he can but it sounds quiet because the noise is having to come down his nose while the man in the gorilla mask looks from the camera to the guy in the seat and holds up this huge fucking syringe like something from a nightmare from an old movie from a horror film and I can feel my heart beating wildly because that 's what this is .
6 And of course not long after that erm I was took ill and er I er had to have the doctor and they sent me to hospital .
7 The Monastery of Saint James had been quite destroyed , and they passed it without halting .
8 and they get that one back in Thursday and they read it to teacher , so it 's two a week and up till
9 Denis and Astrid met us at Boston airport , waving large federal flags and they transported us to Astrid 's parents ' home in Becket , Massachusetts .
10 There was a case in Lothian last year where the health board objected to the conversion of somewhere into a 75 bed registered nursing home and they lost it on appeal .
11 They never actually moved in and they promised it to Daddy .
12 We ran away with Oliver between us , and they chased us with dogs . ’
13 And they mapped it in Summer School
14 and they did it on gypsies
15 ‘ Well , they do n't use altar boys for a start , and they did it between attacks . ’
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
17 Aberdeen took advantage of Hibs not having a league fixture last week , and they did it in style , this spectacular overhead kick from Duncan Shearer clinching a two-nil victory over Dundee United at Pittodrie , which took the Dons to joint top spot in the Premier table , although Hibs now have a game in hand .
18 Aberdeen took advantage of Hibs not having a league fixture last week , and they did it in style , this spectacular overhead kick from Duncan Shearer clinching a two-nil victory over Dundee United at Pittodrie , which took the Dons to joint top spot in the Premier table , although Hibs now have a game in hand .
19 That was for the older girls , and they frightened us to death with tales of what this Fanny-Annie , as they said called her , had er had said to them , and how rude she was , terrible .
20 And then they and took this poor old wife and they beat her to death with the flails .
21 The solo climber was in a bad way , and they invited him to rope up with them .
22 These examples gave the journalists the story for which they were looking , and they used them in headlines to show that our Report was against the teaching of grammar and ‘ correct ’ English , and that we favoured a policy of ‘ anything goes ’ .
23 When she wore 'em into Rugely They impressed the people hugely , While in Fordham folk adores 'em And they loved 'em in West Looe !
24 And they presented him with video equipment they bought for a children 's charity .
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