Example sentences of "and they [vb past] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , missioners knew from daily experience the fundamental importance to deaf and dumb people of fingerspelling and signing , and they agreed with the deaf community that the language of signs and gestures was their own natural language which they should be allowed to learn as children and to practise as adults .
2 Mr Koc contacted a lawyer in Istanbul and they wrote to the Public Prosecutor 's office .
3 Mr Koc contacted a lawyer in Istanbul and they wrote to the Public Prosecutor 's office .
4 THE ROAD was hidden slightly at the bend , behind the overhang of the rowan trees and they came across the barred gate a little too quickly , crossing the bridge before realising that it was now behind .
5 Léonie collected Thérèse and they went across the white gravel in the sunshine .
6 The Americans decided that an armed resistance was necessary and they went to the United Nations , shades of Bosnia here , they went to the United Nations to get support and , as luck would have it , the Soviets were sulking , this was quite common in the nineteen forties and fifties , and the a the Soviet ambassador to the U N was having a sulk and was refusing to attend the Security Council and he therefore persuaded the Security Council to pass a resolution er producing a United Nations force to aid plucky little South Korea against its vicious oppressive northern neighbours and so the Korean war started and the United Nations ' forces were commanded by one General Douglas MacArthur , General Douglas MacArthur , in case you do n't know , won the second world war single handedly
7 and they went to the wrong door and said is this car anything
8 The door closed behind them , and they went down the short path .
9 It summoned its forces around it now and they played in the dying fires , kicked through the wood ash , spiralled into the heavens on the vortices of smoke ; danced with the dancing boy .
10 They were met at the front door by a delirious spaniel , who clearly had no idea of funeral decorum , and they proceeded into the front room , where Bill Clough switched on a bulging orangey imitation-coal electric fire , and then went to a horrible drinks cabinet — all plastic and flashing lights .
11 She waved to them , and they strolled across the white marble floor to join her .
12 He was joined there later by Debbie 's father and they strolled around the beautiful gardens together .
13 He took her arm and they walked towards the impressive sprawl of the exhibition centre .
14 Their social circle was more geographically widespread and they looked beyond the local village for their friends and kin .
15 Wycliffe took the sergeant to lunch at his hotel and they sat by the great window overlooking the sea , which still sparkled in the sun .
16 Piggy-wig was in the kitchen , Dionne opened a bottle of white wine and they sat in the elegant grey-blue lounge .
17 Leary poured coffee into wide china cups and they sat around the rough wooden kitchen table and drank .
18 He brought his wife and children over and they settled into the fine house which he called Riverstown .
19 Edward Thompson in particular has stressed this effect , writing of Methodism 's late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century leaders : They weakened the poor from within by adding … the active ingredient of submission ; and they fostered within the Methodist Church those elements most suited to make up the psychic component of the work-discipline of which the manufacturers stood most in need .
20 ‘ Take that fork , ’ Ruth directed and they bumped into the private road flanked by an orderly regiment of cypresses that led to the Casa .
21 I turned our closed circuit cameras onto the flag-wavers and they appeared on the huge screens above the stage .
22 The police reached the same conclusions , agreeing that the nine children were severely at risk , and they cooperated in the early morning raids .
23 They were well-to-do Jews , strictly Orthodox in religion , and they flourished amid the international wheeling and dealing of this souk at the edge of the war .
24 Three Mutawas had been told of the indignation from the foreign community and they stood with the armed guards at the entry of the delivery theatre to ensure that no sympathetic foreigner assisted the girl to escape .
25 Gradually the haze and sweat cleared from their eyes and they focussed over the open valley they had cycled up from .
26 More doors , and they emerged into the empty vastness of a darkened theatre .
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