Example sentences of "and at [art] [det] time they " in BNC.

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1 A series of very guarded letters written in July and August 1559 between them and Elizabeth 's leading minister , William Cecil , shows that they were contemplating at the very least an outright challenge to the regent 's authority — a bold enough but not actually unprecedented step — but possibly something more , and infinitely more sensational , the deposition of the queen herself ; and at the same time they were proposing a dramatic reversal of foreign relations , in which Scottish friendship would certainly be switched from her traditional ally France to her traditional enemy England , and that even closer ties between Scotland and England might be envisaged .
2 Thus the singers know the parts of at least twenty operas which are performed in turn , and at the same time they study a new one .
3 They would be more effective and useful ; and at the same time they could be employed to reflect a new approach to the balance of education for which I have argued .
4 They want to be treated with respect and reverence ; and at the same time they expect equality with men , complete emancipation , and to compete in every form of masculine activity .
5 They felt they were working hard enough to make their hearts stronger and at the same time they were stretching their bodies sufficiently to reach their deeper muscles .
6 She caught sight of Ernest and Charlotte in the crowd and at the same time they saw her .
7 Here they grow tomatoes and lettuce to provide valuable nutrients and at the same time they 're learning to grow vegetables in a way their parents did n't know how .
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