Example sentences of "and he have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had been the youngest ever to head the ancient , honourable Fiana ; there had been seven years within its ranks only , and he had been intoxicated with the knowledge .
2 Garbo , Garland , Gardner , Garson and Gable were there — and that was just the Gs — but the old grey Mayer was n't what he used to be , and he had been ousted from MGM by the time Nicholson arrived as a messenger boy .
3 Kate Redmond was now engaged to a quiet American , Gene Romero , and he had been moved to the South Coast in readiness for the invasion .
4 For years it had been evident to him that the phrenological system was sound and he had been tormented by his inability to demonstrate it to people who , like the Collector , were inclined to scoff .
5 Ramsgate had tired of the honour of his presence and he had been sent to Sandwich , under whose jurisdiction the Broadstairs police force came .
6 Jack was the eldest of the family and he had been born in a smaller house , but he did n't remember it .
7 That had been put round his neck and he had been dragged to a pier .
8 In his attempt to construct a model of the molecule , given the valencies of these two elements , there was no obvious way that the twelve atoms could be arranged into a conventional chain , and he had been wrestling with the problem for quite some time .
9 That had been in the first exhilarating days of their relationship , and he had been elated at their evident approval of her .
10 It would have been more usual to have asked her with careful casualness to wait behind after the meeting but what he had to say was private and he had been trying for some weeks now to cut down the number of times when they were known to be alone together .
11 The Essex police had opposed bail , and he had been remanded in custody .
12 She had smiled on the new young courtier , and she had helped him , and he had been fascinated by her , for although she was ageing , there were still easily discernible traces of the famous beauty who had led armies into battle and lovers into bed ; who had brought Ireland to the brink of something so truly great that its fame would echo down the centuries .
13 His field was bio-improvements engineering , and he had been placed in charge of some hush-hush military project that had racked him up a rep as the Frankenstein of his generation .
14 Sabine Jourdain had been shot , Barbara Coleman had been abducted , someone had tried to strangle Rain , the reception clerk and Cobalt had been beaten up , and Rain and he had been chased through a maze by a man with a ferocious determination on his face .
15 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
16 If you read a few er , verses , a chapter or so earlier on , he had been speaking to one man to a er er a high official from Ethiopia , and he had been sharing with him from Isaiah chapter fifty three , the message of Jesus Christ .
17 ‘ No it 's not ’ , said a Scots Nationalist friend one day — very rude to me — ‘ it 's not cosmopolitan , it 's colonial ’ , and he had been looking at me and thinking ‘ here 's one of those damned Englishmen sponging on the Scots , making a good thing out of them ’ .
18 The first thing he had thought of when he awoke that morning was that it was his mother 's birthday , 25 May , and he had been thinking about it ever since , as he always did on that day .
19 His father had been working on the farm and he had been sitting at the door of the hut .
20 His secretary had been out to lunch , and he had been going through the files stored on the disk she was currently using , looking for a copy of a contract that he urgently needed to check .
21 His parents emigrated to Canada before the war , she said , and he had been buried in the graveyard of the nearest small village .
22 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
23 The sympathetic voices preferred to argue that Charlie 's champagne bubble had burst and he had been smitten by the sentimental Scottish condition called homesickness .
24 He recalled the incident in the boiler room when both Pearce and he had been assailed by the same noises that Beaton had heard .
25 ACSS was set up by himself and interested friends five years before and he had been working on it since .
26 She was a nurse who had never been kissed , and he had been married to a sensational young actress .
27 The abbe liked his claret and he had been fasting during Lent . ’
28 Some of the men had got into the car and he had been accused of ‘ grassing ’ .
29 Oh yes , Googol had been left safely in a locked room once ; and he had been taken by surprise …
30 And he had been taken from them .
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