Example sentences of "and he [vb -s] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are saying at the liturgy we come into God 's presence , we speak with him , offer him our thanks and praise , open our hearts to him especially in our darkest moments and he speaks to us of his love and grace .
2 Each gets a final polish with his cloth , and he grins into them as if they were mirrors .
3 Chris has to pay a woman to sit with Beryl during the day and he looks after her after work , ’ Maureen said .
4 Your worships , Mr works for Wallbank aerials in Worley and he works for them as an engineer his vehicle was erm something that he did use for work , but unfortunately as a result of the accident his has been written off and he has n't yet been able to er , replace it and so he 's having to be erm er , chauffeured by the company to do his er his work .
5 Your Worships Mr works for in Worley and he works for them as an engineer .
6 He 's just come in on the come back trail and he seems to me to be getting better and better .
7 Chaucer 's self-image is that of a writer , and he reflects upon it by exploring extremes in literature .
8 He frames the petitions in our lips ; and he prays within us to the Father , with sighs too deep for words .
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