Example sentences of "and he [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , this was clearly not the moment in which to tell his dearest Laura that she looked magnificent when she was angry , and he hastened to set the record straight .
2 ‘ So , by the time he had made one broom the floor of the hut was covered in bits of twigs , and he had to use the broom he 'd just made to sweep the floor of his hut clean before he could start making the next broom .
3 My master , who had found a similar one on the port side , first tried his cloak but then cursed as it went into the lake and he had to stop the hole with the heel of his boot .
4 Stephen tied it up but the string broke and he had to drive the car into Hilderbridge very slowly and carefully so as not to overheat the engine .
5 Then tragedy : after a quick run Lamb 's right calf muscle seized up and he had to leave the field — and from 183 for 4 the score suddenly became 185 for 8 , then 201 all out .
6 He once lost £80,000 when a tour of Japan was cancelled suddenly and he had to pay the cost of transporting the show 's equipment back to Britain out of his own pocket .
7 A person found his hands to be contaminated on leaving a reprocessing plant , and he had to have the contamination removed .
8 It was heavier than he expected and he had to remove the milk bottles and some of the tins and make a separate journey with them .
9 Its dullness stifled Huy 's heart , and he began to question the sense of feeding his belly at the expense of his mind , though such noble sentiments could hardly be his to indulge .
10 Something had stirred in the back of Morse 's brain , and he sought to keep the conversation going .
11 I told him stealing a car would n't solve anything and he agreed to park the car .
12 The strange occurrence was uppermost in Jack 's mind the following night and he determined to catch the intruder if he returned .
13 Once so full of envy and pride , the great angel became a devil of meanness and spite , and he resolved to spoil the joy of God 's new creation .
14 Momentarily the pounding eased in Christie 's chest and he struggled to find the courage to speak .
15 He ran in his Olympic heat with the injury strapped but the pain was excruciating and he failed to reach the final .
16 But his form for Victoria this winter has been depressing and he failed to make the Test team against either West Indies or New Zealand .
17 The verderers slept as he passed and he failed to hear the sound of their horses stirring uneasily in the thicket .
18 Addressing both houses of Congress on the subject of the Gulf war on March 6 , President George Bush placed a crime bill near the top of his domestic agenda , and he continued to link the issue of crime with that of the Gulf war when he sent a package of legislative proposals to Congress on March 11 .
19 But he stayed where he was and he continued to regard the Robemaker from over the restricting mask and , presently , the Robemaker said , ‘ Does it not irk you and chafe you to be so confined , Wolfprince ? ’
20 His was not entirely a list of subjects and their meanings , and he preferred to make the interpretation by considering a sequence of dreams , and even the personality and circumstances of the dreamer .
21 He calculated that he could not beat either Heath or Maudling , and he preferred to avoid the contest .
22 However , by the time she returned to the house Putt had locked himself inside his room and he refused to open the door to her .
23 Later the Emperor Frederick I ( Barbarossa ) was to maintain that this ceremony had gone out of use and he refused to perform the office for the English pope , Adrian IV , at Sutri in 1155 .
24 This south-eastern quarter was to Stephen 's mind the least beautiful , but it was some weeks since he had been there and he liked to keep the whole of the moor under surveillance .
25 He had a long-life lead on and I tried to grab the long-life lead it burnt all my hand and he tried to attack the pit bull .
26 And he tried to keep the impatience out of his voice .
27 Well I had Mrs in this morning she had a tooth out this morning and he broke it and he tried to get the rest out you know using a special instrument and he twisted it and a fragment of the tooth come off and hit me straight in the eye .
28 On April 24 the UK Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , told the House of Commons that " we take the Amnesty report seriously " , and he promised to raise the question of human rights during a forthcoming visit to Kuwait .
29 For the first time Jenking was becoming worried , and he started to check the compass frequently and ordered leadsmen in to the chains to take soundings .
30 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
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