Example sentences of "and i would [vb infin] the same " in BNC.

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1 Under the bishop 's plan he and I were to change places , and while I was on furlough he was to keep both jobs going , and I would do the same on my return .
2 So and I would extend the same argument to abortion and I would say erm wh what happens in abortion admittedly erm an artificial abortion mean means that presumably a spontaneous abortion has has n't happened , but a modern woman is using extra means that she has er at her disposal , probably to deal with extra problems which evolution originally could not foresee and ultimately her self-interest might be just as well served by having er induced the abortion ultimately as it would by erm by not having but I mean this is just my personal view , and I do n't
3 Nigel used to say , ‘ If you can read , you can cook , ’ and I would say the same of gardening .
4 And I 'd do the same for him .
5 We 've both become victims of Private Eye and I know that he would laugh at some of the things they 've said about me , and I 'd do the same to him .
6 ‘ Adorable , ’ Matthew said , thinking , just pass me Alexandra 's wellie and I 'd do the same .
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