Example sentences of "and it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He enjoyed a good relationship with Acheson and it suited both men for Dulles to be closely involved in policy formulation : Acheson because it would diminish at least some of the acrimony in Congress and Dulles because he wished to consolidate his record so that he could become Secretary of State in the next Republican administration .
2 Its yellow eyes were looking at me ; its mouth opened and it made strange sounds at me .
3 One shop window in Covent Garden was devoted entirely to a display of this book , and it received coveted reviews in the quality press .
4 The stated objective of this new contract is to improve the standard of general practice and it proposes substantial changes in the way general practice is structured and financed .
5 Steering through foliage at night , it needs good accommodation and it achieves 5 dioptres by changing the shape of its lens and having a corrugated retina .
6 Mixed development met the sociological dictates of urbanity and community ; it met the planning critics of inter-war sprawl ; and it met architectural requirements of variety in materials ( concrete , brick , wood , pebbles and strong colours ) .
7 well you drive through it on the main road and it goes both sides of the road
8 Detecting water movements helps many insects of fast-flowing streams to maintain their position , and it alerts aquatic leeches to the approach of animals which might provide a meal of blood .
9 It was in the FA Cup 1st Round tie at The Nest against first division opponents Manchester City and it came five minutes after half-time to put us ahead ; we went on to win 2–0 .
10 And it took four years of trials before they did , ’ McGeechan grins .
11 Watering of the services turned out to be a job when the Standard 4 drained the Aberystwyth water tank and it took four trips for the local fire brigade to water Hinton Manor .
12 Scotland was still , by contemporary standards , an unusually localized country , in which the government impinged less ; and it had two centuries of experience of long periods of royal minorities in which government and political life had to be kept going without the guiding hand of a monarch .
13 You were asked to phone in , so , erm , so our phone was out of order , so I had a phone card and it had four units on it .
14 This is the view cogently expressed by David Holbrook and it had many supporters among numbers in the National Association of Teachers of English .
15 and it left three halves of the residual estate .
16 I still think his essay , far from being ‘ a rather feeble piece of writing ’ , to be a powerful piece of advocacy ; and it contained some remarks about culture and religious observance for which in penetration and acuteness I can recall no exact parallel .
17 And it blew massive holes in Mr Major 's argument that Maastricht means fewer powers for the European Commission — and no common foreign or defence policy .
18 And these opportunities were very considerable ; later generations might see the eighteenth-century empire as a monument to the constrictions of mercantilism , but at the time people saw it as the largest area of unrestricted trade in the world and it offered excellent prospects for men like the sugar and tobacco merchants of Glasgow .
19 This was the first practical method of producing colour transparencies , and it utilised minute grains of starch from la pomme de terre .
20 This was the first practical method of producing colour transparencies , and it utilised minute grains of starch from la pomme de terre .
21 The local county court often has the advantage of being nearer than the High Court District Registry , its rules are less strict and it allows more steps to be taken by post than does the High Court .
22 It prolonged the life of mice with leukaemia , and it produced dramatic remissions in some leukaemia patients .
23 The music was well-made , sometimes boldly scored , and it produced attractive gestures from the start which glisteningly sampled ideas above a deep held bass .
24 Admission to a Home is a very big step in a person 's life — and it brings all sorts of fears and anxieties .
25 One of the book 's strengths is to link values and research in a forthright fashion , and it provides cogent arguments for the ways in which research can directly involve the subjects of the research in an emancipatory manner .
26 In 1891 the Review of the Churches began publication and it included representative editors from not only Nonconformity but from the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England .
27 William Boyd 's excellent survey of evacuation in Scotland showed that out of sixty-eight questionnaire returns giving details of journeys in the first wave , fully one-third spoke of their evacuees not arriving at their destinations until 5 p.m. or later ; and it included graphic descriptions of such journeys , including the testimony of one teacher evacuated from Glasgow to Aberdeenshire , whose journey was :
28 Jones ' book is a witty tale of curious mutations , molecular clocks , and genetic bottlenecks ; and it illustrates biological principles with memorable examples from everyday life .
29 Its publications reach over 300 women 's groups in Argentina , and it organises regular workshops on women and religion and alternative communication .
30 He thus technically became an Argentine citizen , and it needed eight years of negotiation between the two countries to relieve him of his obligation to do military service in Argentina .
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