Example sentences of "and in the same [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One could propose BSL as appropriate in a class learning politics , or economics , or geography and in the same school find a signed English form in the teaching of English or science , or foreign languages .
2 The second prohibited steps order prevented the mother from having any verbal or personal contact or contact by correspondence with the father and in the same way prohibited the father from having any form of contact with the mother .
3 Blessed be the foreign correspondent who can fly from Beirut to Athens , therefore , and in the same day pick up an El Al flight from Athens to Tel Aviv and land at Ben Gurion airport and travel — faster even than the old direct taxi route from prewar Beirut — to Jerusalem .
4 Meanwhile , in 1801 he had exhibited a portrait at the Royal Academy , and in the same year had established himself at 59 New Bond Street , at the corner of Brook Street , and published Rudiments of Landscape , a volume of uncoloured etchings after William 's drawings .
5 She made her London début at the Wigmore Hall in 1963 and in the same year sang her first Angel in Gerontius with the Hallé Orchestra , a work with which she became closely associated .
6 He survived a serious brain haemorrhage in 1955 and in the same year became rector of Thelveton in Norfolk .
7 He was knighted in 1877 , and in the same year became a vice-admiral on the retired list .
8 To ban research on a fertilised egg unless it is to be reimplanted , and in the same Bill wish to permit abortion up to 18 weeks demonstrates the movement 's illogicality .
9 And in the same square stood the parish church of Santa Croce , built at about the same time as the castle .
10 In a single serpentine sentence Porfiry seems to dissolve into his own prose , showering Raskolnikov with a patter of tiny verbal blows as if exercising the Russian particle for its own sake ( nu da uzh ) , telling him that he considers him ‘ quite incapable ’ of committing suicide , and in the same breath to leave ‘ a short circumstantial note if he does .
11 They disparage themselves for doubting and in the same breath defend their doubt like a treasured possession which nothing could persuade them to give up .
12 He manages to back the calls for a ban on advertising and in the same breath say this will not harm the local Rothmans factories .
13 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
14 Leaning forward , he suddenly tilted her face towards him and in the same movement covered her lips with his .
15 In July of that year he followed the Toolmakers ' Society into the merger which created the Amalgamated Engineering Union and in the same month became a founder-member of the Communist party of Great Britain , in which the BSP was absorbed .
16 In November Jovic , then President of the Collective State Presidency , visited South Korea and Japan to discuss bilateral economic co-operation and in the same month met Soviet President Gorbachev to discuss the internal development of both the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , and the positive role of non-aligned Yugoslavia in relation to international politics .
17 At the University of Chicago , he gave four lectures in November on " The Aims of Education " and in the same month talked on " Poetry and Drama " at Harvard .
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