Example sentences of "and was [verb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Johnson took enormous pleasure in the honour , and reported it in both his book and , more touchingly , in his correspondence with Mrs Thrale : ‘ I had the honour of attending the Lord Provost of Aberdeen , and was presented with the freedom of the city , not in a gold box but in good Latin .
2 Food was placed to sizzle on the barbecue , and was turned with the help of long utensils , and as she worked beside Silas , moving rapidly to turn first one piece and then another , Lucy became conscious of a feeling of quiet satisfaction .
3 ‘ I had holidayed several times in France and was toying with the idea of buying a house there , but with no definite plan in mind .
4 Deputy Head brought child into school and was dealing with the incident in his office when the child 's Class Teacher burst in in a frenzied manner shouting that this was what she did n't want to happen and the child was getting too much attention .
5 Even Bicker seemed to have lost his wary watchfulness and was grinning with the rest .
6 The church was restored in 1948 and was refurnished with the organ from All Saints Church nearby .
7 Some time afterwards he chanced to see a hobby-horse being ridden along a nearby road , and was struck with the notion of making one for himself .
8 After retiring from the army , he served as Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand from 1962 to 1967 , and was honoured with the title , Lord Ballantrae .
9 Under the management of Bill Richmond , a fellow-black and ex-pugilist , Tom Molineaux beat Blake of Bristol ( ‘ Tom Tough ’ ) in Margate on 21 August 1810 , and was matched with the champion , Tom Cribb [ q.v. ] , in East Grinstead on 18 December 1810 .
10 Richard Aitkenhead was head of the Guatemalan Managers ' Association and was connected with the PAN leadership .
11 Her son Edmund hastily swore loyalty to him , and was rewarded with the lordship of Lothian .
12 The final decision was taken at the end of October , with victory only a few days away , and was announced with the publication of a letter from Lloyd George to Bonar Law , a letter actually drafted by Law as a summary of their agreement .
13 After two weeks she became jaundiced and was referred with the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis .
14 A Turner 's Controller was also installed at Pitlake junction at the bottom of Tamworth Road and was interlocked with the signal lights on traction posts in Tamworth Road and Lower Church Street .
15 He was mentioned in despatches and was discharged with the rank of major .
16 They had n't much — just the handholds of the companion , the locker hinges , and the pump-handle of the heads , which was part of the original equipment and was engraved with the date : 1905 .
17 Water belonged to the community and was sold with the land .
18 She had given Lily a holiday with pay , but Lily had obstinately reappeared and was working with the rest .
19 Richard Cecil dealt with this in a sermon that in its day was much admired and was published with the title , A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning :
20 Satisfactory inter-agency communication , however , was present in the remainder of the sample and was associated with the establishment of informal lines of communication between agencies .
21 Matriculated at St John 's College , Cambridge , in 1593 ( BA 1597 , MA 1600 ) and Oxford in 1603 , he wrote verses for Crudities and Crambe ( 1611 ) , by Thomas Coryate [ q.v. ] , and was associated with the Mermaid Club .
22 His first destination was the headquarters of the ANC in Lusaka ( Zambia ) , where he met the exiled ANC executive committee , and other leaders of the Frontline states and Commonwealth representatives , and was greeted with the ceremony normally reserved for heads of state .
23 When the concept was first introduced by Faraday in the fourth decade of the nineteenth century it was very vague , and was articulated with the aid of mechanical analogies and a metaphorical use of terms such as ‘ tension ’ , ‘ power ’ and ‘ force ’ .
24 There Burn worked on the drawings of Lowther Castle and was entrusted with the task of supervising the building of Covent Garden Theatre , an arduous nine-month feat of office and site organisation in which he was hard put to maintain a working relationship between his 27-year-old employer and the contractor , Alexander Copeland , one of the giants of the London building world .
25 Indeed , by the beginning of 1977 , the Polytechnic had already obtained CNAA validation for a Dip.HE/BEd. degree and five other similar courses flowing from the merger and was negotiating with the Council concerning a similar number of other awards .
26 He had been handcuffed and was crying with the pain , shouting that they were too tight .
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