Example sentences of "and of [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Minister will nevertheless be aware of the real hardship this summer and of the queues at the soup kitchens on the campuses .
2 The widespread charge that Bush was engaging in a form of McCarthyism was supported when the Washington Post of Oct. 14 revealed that the State Department had ordered a search of Clinton 's passport file and of the archives of the US embassies in London and Oslo for evidence of misconduct by the Democratic candidate .
3 This perhaps supports the criticism that the Queen 's advisers should not have allowed her to be urged into an immediate invitation to Lord Home and that she should have taken at least a little time fully to apprise herself of the changing political situation and of the views of the Conservative leadership , as it was then emerging .
4 But , sitting in the wood-panelled living-room of the Birdman 's house on the little island of Mykines , listening to his tales of the sea and of the exploits of the Faroese fowlers of old , I could think of no reason why he should be considered any more hard or cruel than anyone who has ever eaten a chicken joint , a hamburger — or even a fish-finger !
5 The characteristics of both the phonemes and of the things in the natural world that are selected for specific purposes are arbitrary in themselves but they become meaningful when contrasted with others to form a set .
6 As scouts sent out by the locals to reconnoitre the otherwise mysterious life-styles of the newcomers such people are terribly influential in defining the image of the newcomers among the locals — ; and of the locals among the newcomers-Gossip which is reported back easily becomes magnified in order to contribute further to the stereotypes .
7 The way of life of the Dalmatian peasants and fisherfolk , and of the citizens of the former Venetian colonies of Split , Šibenik and Zadar has for centuries resembled that of the Italians on the western shore of the Adriatic rather than that of their Slav cousins who inhabit the Balkan interior .
8 There is a profound contrast between the role of Roland 's betrothed in the Song of Roland , which is trivial , and of the ladies in the romances of Chrétien de Troyes , who control the action .
9 Of the monumental stones he writes " However the knowledge of their general existence may " be interesting , there is nothing in them , individually considered , to call for a particular description , " and of the islands in the lochs he says " Similar remains , situated in the same manner , are seen at Loch Finlaggan ; but none of them present any interest to detain either the painter or the antiquary . "
10 Of the monumental stones he writes " However the knowledge of their general existence may " be interesting , there is nothing in them , individually considered , to call for a particular description , " and of the islands in the lochs he says " Similar remains , situated in the same manner , are seen at Loch Finlaggan ; but none of them present any interest to detain either the painter or the antiquary . "
11 The practical importance of this solution is that it is adequate for use in calculations of the general relativistic effects observed in the solar system , and of the properties of the simplest type of black hole .
12 The nature of this particular kind of identification and of the differences between the two versions can be illustrated even in the formally constructed prayerful episodes .
13 The treatment of the sky and of the areas between the various landscape objects , the boats , lighthouses and breakwaters , in terms of the same facets or pictorial units into which the objects themselves are dissolved , has the effect of making space seem as real , as material , one might almost say as ‘ pictorial ’ as the solid objects themselves .
14 Then I thought of St Antony , so horrified by the world that he fled to the desert , and of the faces of the saints at St Paul 's staring down from the dome , haunted by demons .
15 These tribes , along with the Yenisei peoples whose last surviving linguistic descendants are the Kets , were profoundly affected by the northward expansion of Turkic peoples from Inner Asia and of the Tungus from the east .
16 A very extensive programme of interviews and participant observation generated assessments of the work of the CMHTs and of the changes in the service system .
17 It is such a complicated thing to try and do , you do need the support of the medical profession and of the managers of the health service and of the public , and you 'll get it more effectively if they can see by example what you 're trying to do comprehensively . ’
18 ‘ It is such a complicated thing to try and do , you do need the support of the medical profession and of the managers of the Health Service , and of the public , and you 'll get it more effectively if they can see by example what you 're trying to do comprehensively . ’
19 A thorough understanding of the way official statistics were collected and of the workings of the administration is shown to be essential for the proper interpretation of these data .
20 Whereupon it was resolved : ‘ That the Society will consult the good of the Community in general and of the limits of the Society in particular , by encouraging such means as are likely to promote the study of farriery on rational scientific principles .
21 The publisher 's reputation is an important ingredient in book evaluation , and librarians need to acquire a knowledge of publishing specializations , and of the functions of the various types of publisher ( general , specialist , academic , textbooks , university , private press , etc. ) and relate these to library requirements .
22 It is presidential policy that , wherever practicable , claimants should be told the outcome of their appeals on the day , but in all cases the claimant and adjudication officer must be sent a written record of the decision which includes a note of the evidence and submissions of the parties , a statement of the tribunals findings of fact and of the reasons for the decision .
23 He said his wife was encouraging him , but that he realized the difficulties of coming back to the Commons and of the years after the election if we were in office or even more if we were in opposition .
24 In view of the questions put by the national court and of the written observations submitted by the parties , account will have to be taken in the course of that examination of the competence of the member states in this area , of their obligations under public international law ( question ( 1 ) in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) and of the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy and , in particular , of the quota system ( question ( 3 ) in the Factortame case ) .
25 The underlying justification for this book is that participation in policy making for a group of public services of considerable importance to us all must rest upon understanding : understanding of what the policies are , of how they are made and implemented , and of the implications of the many prevailing suggestions on how to change those policies .
26 ( 2 ) The clerk of a licensing board shall , when lawfully required , make out a duplicate of any licence issued by him under this section and shall certify such duplicate to be a true copy of the original licence , and any such duplicate , duly certified as aforesaid , shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein contained and of the terms of the original licence .
27 To consider the financial statements and the reports of the directors and of the auditors for the year ended 31st March 1991 .
28 By the early eighties he had held half-a-dozen public appointments , including the chairmanships of the Royal Commission on Pollution and of the Trustees of the Natural History Museum :
29 Other poets celebrated the victories of the Seleucids and of the Attalids against the same barbarians .
30 Grey is the colour of pavements — and of the walls of the centres for homeless people which I sometimes visited during the day .
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