Example sentences of "and the [adj] [noun] for a " in BNC.

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1 Microprocessors have not been used for this work up to now and the first-ever system for a PWR is currently being installed by the French at their new power station at Paluel .
2 Such a choice accords with both the political traditions of the area and the perceived need for a strong , decisive executive in a time of economic , social and political turmoil .
3 We were in open cockpits and the only food for a day was Horlicks tablets . ’
4 After eight miles of rough driving , we reached the local highland town of Makale , and the only petrol-pump for a hundred miles .
5 Stanley Steward , its first chairman — who had been an electrical manufacturer in the private sector — mobilised considerable pressure from the ‘ county ’ set on his consumer Consultative Council , and lobbied both the Government and the Central Authority for a subvention .
6 On Jan. 26 the Minister of Territorial Administration , Lt.-Col. Birama Sire Traore ( appointed in a Cabinet reshuffle announced on Dec. 27 ) , announced the postponement of the legislative elections in order " to ensure total openness and the necessary credibility for a genuine democracy " .
7 When an agreement was drawn up in 1922 between the Vatican and the Soviet government for a Catholic famine relief mission , some Orthodox leaders in Western Russia declared that the Communists hoped that Catholic propaganda would bring about the downfall of the whole Orthodox Church .
8 Kelly was given a bleeper and the worrying wait for a heart and lung donor began .
9 The March 4 meeting at The Coachman Hotel started as usual with the club business and the regular draw for a cash prize of £100 .
10 Is it not a fact that with 560,000 people reaching the age of 65 this year and the elderly accounting for a larger proportion of the population , national health service provision is proportionately poorer , not better ?
11 The decline of collectivism , and of large plants , and the increasing demand for a ‘ flexible ’ workforce pose immense threats to trade unionism .
12 Such a list is not exhaustive , and the major problem for a NIB would be to identify companies that fall in the above categories , which is by no means an easy task .
13 PRINCESS Di had a simply splashing time yesterday when she joined Charles and the young princes for a swim at a Greek island paradise .
14 There was never any prospect of a ‘ Yes ’ vote being recorded , and the treasured plans for a Welsh assembly to occupy a derelict corn exchange in Cardiff docks were put on ice .
15 Moreover , the insatiable desire of Wall Street , the City and the commercial banks for a share of the action meant that finance was rarely a bar .
16 The amount of the penalty , recoverable by the Registrar , varies according to whether the company is private or public and to the length of time that the default continues ; the minimum being £100 for a private company and £500 for a public company when the default is for not more than three months and the maximum £1000 for a private and £5,000 for a public company when the default exceeds 12 months .
17 Such a prosecution must be taken in the sheriff court ( s. 128(1) ) and the maximum penalty for a contravention of subs .
18 Consultations took place between the Central Electricity Generating Board , the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the South Yorkshire County Council and the proposed scheme for a lake was given the go-ahead .
19 Moderate strength for the weekdays , and the heavy-duty gear for a Saturday night .
20 We had booked up for the ordinary ship and , and rail you know , to go over by ship and rail but er during the months awaiting the , I think we were going in July and er we had booked up maybe about April , but they had put these planes on and Polytechnic wrote to us and said , if we paid two pounds ten extra , we could go by air and we did it and the full tour for a week in Paris , going by air , was twelve pounds ten .
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