Example sentences of "and see [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A short session held before the lunch break proved very worthwhile when teachers were able to put forward their requests and ideas for future QT days and see them slotted into the programme .
2 And see them dancing around the bonfire
3 Okay , suppose Come Up And See Me goes in the charts and they ring you up and say , ‘ Steve , how do you fancy going on Top Of The Pops ? ’
4 My worst fear was that one day she would come to the forge and see me working as a common blacksmith , with black face and hands .
5 They are the executive body , and the national assembly is the people of the Kuwait , and fifty members are directly elected by the people through the twenty constituencies which we have , and you have here the legislative body , in other words a parliament of fifty members and the government , and they sit together and they run the business of the country like any other parliament , and if you look to the television and see what happens in the House of Commons , it is exactly what happens in Kuwait .
6 This plan gives the impression that Lothian 's transport specialists were uncertain whether to allow traffic to flow along George IV Bridge and its extensions , or not ; so the decision was taken to make the traffic flow more difficult and see what happened as a result .
7 So it might pay a mother to wait for a few days and see what happened to the baby .
8 Normally he handed over responsibility for the routine maintenance of their relationship to Ellen , but she was letting him down , so he was going to try the only technique he knew : drop some explosive overboard and see what floated to the surface .
9 I come to its edge and see it cool amongst the rushes , a place of little fish and soft green grass .
10 You will hear the old Romansch language spoken and see it written on the signs , but German is the predominant official language , with English widely understood in the majority of towns .
11 I 'll , er , see to it , I mean , I 'll endeavour to see , I mean , well , I 'll try to look after him and see he comes to no harm . ’
12 " And see you hanged at the end of it , like as not .
13 ‘ I just keep coming in and see someone sitting at a computer not moving , and I wonder , should the computer be there in lieu of the person ? ’ says one broker
14 One leading broker admits , ‘ I just keep coming in and see someone sitting at a computer not moving , and I wonder should the computer be there in lieu of the person ? ’
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