Example sentences of "and those who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If even farm labourers in the south and Midlands were beginning to be market consumers as a consequence of becoming a waged proletariat , the tendency was even more marked among other sections of the working population whose numbers were growing more quickly , the urban population and those who manufactured in the countryside .
2 Brailsford , Russell and those who looked to the US to enforce peace , did so partly because they could not convince themselves , in 1916 , that ‘ a revolutionary mass movement for peace ’ was in the making among Europe 's democracies .
3 This terminological ambiguity symbolizes a basic contradiction embodied in the whole process of change which followed 1868 , a running tension between those who looked back and sought to revive what they saw as the best in Japanese tradition in the face of a Western onslaught , and those who looked to the future and were prepared to accommodate the values and techniques of their competitors , if only to compete effectively with them .
4 The popes had to come to terms with the nobles and those who came from the noble families of the city naturally built up their own families and factions in order to survive .
5 Those operating an amplification system need to ensure that there is a proper balance between the sound of the musicians using it and those who speak on the church 's public address system , where there is one .
6 Here I want to vary the times so that I hear from a true cross-section of our listeners , and those who listen to the graveyard shift , for instance , probably never hear the breakfast show .
7 And those who get past the door seem to agree with the policy .
8 Food preferences are very much dictated by habit , and those who get into the habit of choosing the fibre-rich foods gradually come to prefer them .
9 And those who go into the situation with their eyes wide open because they 've been trained how to handle emergencies with calm and confidence .
10 The early wool trade is so closely associated with the spinning galleries and those who lived in the farmhouses and cottages that a short explanation of the methods of production may be helpful in understanding the way of life of the producers .
11 Today those who fought and those who fell in the Chinese onslaught were remembered .
12 ‘ The market should expect open and honest reporting as a matter of right and those who fall below the required standard should be brought to account , ’ said the Governor .
13 There were those who fought for the joy of fighting and those who slew for the sake of slaying .
14 All other categories of postgraduate , including those from EC countries and those who arrive during the course of the session , will receive assistance in finding suitable accommodation : we regret that we can not , however , guarantee University accommodation in such cases .
15 All applicants for admission from outwith the United Kingdom or European Community , applicants who are temporarily resident in the UK or EC at the time of application and those who have within the past three years spent a period of employment or residence outwith the UK/EC are advised that they should be certain of their status for fee purposes before registering for their courses at the start of the academic year and be certain that they have the necessary funds to meet the appropriate fees , and for subsistence throughout the course of study .
16 And those who collaborated with the Germans paid a heavy price .
17 The division between those who look naturally to the private sector and those who look to the public is geographical as much as ideological .
18 The same problem could not arise in Germany , according to Vogts , because of the ‘ wonderful relationship ’ which exists between the Football Federation and those who look after the national team .
19 The county members and those who sat for the few boroughs in which the franchise was reasonably wide were normally the most independent of eighteenth-century MPs ; but they were in a minority .
20 It was a place where there were huge contrasts between the ‘ haves ’ and the ‘ have nots ’ — between those who worshipped at the altar of a comfortable middle-class lifestyle and those who worshipped at the altar of envy and jealousy of those around them — and I am sure that you can find echoes of those things in Exeter at this end of 1991 .
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