Example sentences of "and then [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He began early , in Bangkok and then Dubai , had a week 's work-out with David Leadbetter in Orlando and then followed it with four straight tournaments coming into the Masters .
2 Harry drew breath to deny the slur , and then said nothing after all , seeing in his heart that it was true enough .
3 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
4 And then try one over that .
5 I want you to do the same for twenty four and you wo n't get it all on one line there 'll be a lot of them and then try it for thirty six and when you 're really happy with twenty four when you 're happy with twelve and you can write all those out quite happily without looking at this try twenty four see if you know see if threes 'll go fives 'll go and sevens and everything else .
6 And then try it with thirty six .
7 Okay so try it with twelve first of all and then try it with twenty four
8 In response to the pills question , one pupil found that 50 pills weighed 1 g and then added lots of 50 pills until 250 was reached .
9 That was all part of the job — dig the dirt and then turn it into pure gold .
10 Why not list your own holiday requirements and then tick them off one by one as you discover for yourself what Ten Bel has to offer .
11 The patient might tell you what if , if the casualty was still able to talk , they might be able to give you the history of how they became like they were , received a blow , got kicked , fell onto something hard , okay and so on and so on , they might be able to tell you themselves , give some indication , right , you would remove and loosen off all tight clothing , okay , loosen off the clothing for them and then treat them for shock and then refer them to urgent medical attention , nil by mouth on any account , okay ?
12 Yorkshireman George Duffield , whose previous St Leger ride was on a pacemaker 12 years ago , said : ‘ She just quickened up alongside them , and then left them for dead . ’
13 and then put them on five minutes defrost .
14 We write it out in longhand , each of the 700 or so entries on individual sheets of A4 paper and then put them into alphabetical order . ’
15 pick out a lot of those and then put them in another part of the garden .
16 But why should speakers or writers actually plan to say something in one way and then put it in other words in order to ensure the intended interpretation ?
17 Oh I just boiled the ends a bit and erm and then put it in deep water .
18 By taking advantage of this facility , we can draw one pattern in a basic design option ( such as Fair Isle as we have done ) and then use it for many different types of knitting .
19 the school was able to save money on non-educational things like waste collection , and then use it for educational items ; and
20 The program puts up words one at a time , in transcription , and the user 's task is to read the word and then input it in normal spelling .
21 They seem to have curled their arms up from the mouth as five ribs and then connected them by more plates to form a sphere .
22 My research , if I can call it that , has involved ( over the same period ) a cyclical process of listening to teachers , tidying up what I think I 've heard into some more-or-less coherent story , and then telling it to other teachers to see if it makes sense to them , and captures in an interesting , plausible and fruitful way something significant of their experience .
23 The larva heaps sand or soil onto its head and jaws and then flicks it with some force up and behind it , working in a circle to produce a conical pit .
24 ‘ It was disappointing to play so well at times and then lose it in that one spell .
25 In addition , Piaget ( 1926 ) carried out an observational study of children 's spontaneous speech , and a study in which children had to listen to a spoken explanation and then relay it to another person .
26 A senior clerk should clear the machines and then reset them to zero at various times during the day .
27 In our one-day workshop , stencil expert Helen Morris , who runs a successful stencil loan service and shop , will teach you how to cut stencils and then apply them to various materials such as walls , fabrics and furniture , using stencil paint , spray paint and crayons .
28 We normally try and estimate the full year tax charge and then apply it to six months and we got it wrong .
29 Throw Enfield a question and he 'll bounce it around , knock off a few apt replies and then launch himself into one of the manic routines from the new show .
30 My own preference when using these elite units is to mass them in a body to provide the heaviest punch possible and then unleash them against one section of the enemy line with the hope that the breakthrough will start a general rout of the enemy force .
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