Example sentences of "and can not [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The argument against so doing is that the institutions will wish to disseminate the proceeds of the flotation to their various funds and can not cater for contingent liabilities such as warranty claims .
2 But so long as no resources used in ‘ selling ’ or in producing are owned monopolistically , we are forced to conclude that this activity is essentially competitive and can not result in any kind of monopolistic control over production or any impairment of the competitive process .
3 I am told there are two sisters who dwell under one roof , and can not speak to one another , for the one is a Free Churcher and the other is a Baptist ; and that one gave to the other cause of great offence , having put cream in the tea of the other when such kind office was not desired .
4 This is a problem for plants because they already have fewer daylight hours in which to manufacture their food , and can not grow at all if the temperature falls below 6 degrees Celsius .
5 In my 25 years of watching international rugby I have seen many incidents of violence and can not think of any country that is blameless .
6 This says that , if both are playing pessimistically , player I is receiving and can not improve on this , so he has no incentive to change his strategy .
7 By this time though , judging what footholds you can and can not use on this bizarrely rippled slab , should have become a touch clearer .
8 A Norwich wool comber protested to the employers in a dispute in 1752 : " We are social creatures and can not live without each other , and why should you des-troy community … ? "
9 The rate multiplier is set each year in England and Wales by central government and can not rise by more than the annual rate of inflation .
10 It is set annually by the Government and can not rise by more than the rate of inflation .
11 Derived from the Greek words phyllon ( leaf ) and xeros ( dry ) , the phylloxera lives only on the vine and can not survive on any other host .
12 The fronting and raising rule in Belfast vernacular is virtually confined to velar environments and can not apply to such words as bad , hand , stab ( which are front in RP ) .
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