Example sentences of "and can [adv] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 From the practical standpoint , it is often claimed that there is never enough time to write objectives ; that their use removes the spontaneity from teaching ; and finally that from a clinical point of view they are inappropriate , as much of the teaching is ‘ crisis , teaching and can not be foreseen nor planned .
2 Both parties have invited this court to proceed on the basis that the validity of the appointment is not and can not be disputed or decided on this application .
3 This sentence is therefore more specific than [ 3 ] , and can not be regarded as entirely equivalent in sense .
4 It has some fine Renaissance ceilings on the second floor although these are under lock and key and can not be seen unless the keyholder happens to be in the museum that day .
5 A 16-year-old and a youth aged 17 , also from Ely , are juveniles and can not be named because of an order by magistrates .
6 The communication of such a word implies the communication of the technique of grafting and can not be explained except as a Massaliote loan-word .
7 Thirdly , health is considered central to the process of community organization and empowerment , and can not be ignored or postponed until more general political and social changes have taken place .
8 The contrast is striking , and can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the social and other problems that we confront in the last decade of our century .
9 Both Walter Hilton and Dame Julian insist that God is transcendent and can not be described or grasped by the human mind , but they belong more to the Western tradition than the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
10 This means that she falls asleep in the car on the way to the airport and can not be woken except by a party of electricians returning from Corfu , who put her in a baggage trolley and push her the length of the terminal building at speeds of up to fifteen miles per hour .
11 In many cases it will be impossible to make sufficient disclosure at the commencement of the relationship as material information which has to be disclosed will not be known and can not be predicted until a particular conflict arises .
12 It has been there for two weeks and can not be released because the 3,500 troops promised by the United Nations to secure food convoys and get them moving have not arrived .
13 See also Derby and Co Ltd v Weldon ( No 8 ) [ 1990 ] 3 All ER 762. 2.3 Limited purpose of disclosure There is a large body of authority in support of the proposition that information which is disclosed for a limited purpose is received under an obligation of confidence and can not be used or disclosed otherwise than for that purpose .
14 There was also " … a considerable quantity of small ore which was got at the beginning of the work and can not be weighed until stamped or broken by an Engine and washed for which purpose they are going to erect one to go be water with all speed and were disstressed for some sycamore wood for the water wheel . "
15 Thus general supervisory function of the Commission in competition matters by DG IV demonstrates further why the competition rules are all-embracing and can not be circumvented or ignored by UK businesses in developing their 1992 commercial strategy .
16 Most of these rules , I should point out , were petty , automatic ones relating to punctuality or tidiness and can generally be described as ‘ going by the book ’ .
17 Debris and algae collect in the medium in the inner tray and can regularly be changed and disposed of .
18 Distraints by Government departments for various taxes and local authorities for rates or community charge are unaffected and can even be levied after a bankruptcy order has been made ( s 347(8) ) .
19 The cake can be kept for two to three days in the refrigerator and can also be frozen while still un-iced .
20 the efficiency of representation of the data so that its particular features are succinctly expressed , and can easily be retrieved and analysed .
21 Watchman is ideal for small boats because it does not incorporate a transmitter and can thus be made and sold for around £165 .
22 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
23 These differ from one culture to another and can consequently be misinterpreted and cause embarrassment or suspicion .
24 Moon rats have an irritable nature and can hardly be described as attractive .
25 The Update Baseline routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
26 The Directory Integrity Check routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
27 The Type Module routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
28 The ‘ marketable ’ sector produces goods and services which are sold on established markets , generally makes a profit , and can therefore be regarded as self-financing .
29 Granted the rich diversity of the phenomena of the biological world , a disagreement over results can generally be put down to differences between animals ( ‘ species or strain differences ’ , for instance ) or to subtle alterations in experimental conditions , and can therefore be fudged or ignored .
30 Sometimes they may spread to involve the terminal urethra , and can only be seen if the urethral meatus is parted .
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