Example sentences of "and if [art] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A constant period is available during seeks to process the records already in main storage , and if every record requires the same processing time this will lead to very predictable run timings .
2 When there is insufficient money in the estate of the deceased person to pay for the funeral and if the person arranging the funeral is likely to have a problem meeting the cost then sections 4 and 5 of this factsheet should be read before making any arrangements .
3 We shall have the Scottish TUCC and if the Minister accepts the new clause we shall have another body responsible for the buses .
4 But , if there is a further " selecting " qualifier , such as only , and if the speaker sees the latter as focusing on the property of the adjective , then it is quite reasonable that he or she may also feel it necessary to mark this focal adjectival property as one to be explicitly assigned , rather than being an ordinary part of the identificatory bundle .
5 If these moderators are present ( we discuss what these are in a moment ) then work will be experienced as meaningful if it requires a variety of skills from the worker , if a complete piece of work is done ( task identity ) , and if the worker sees the task to be of significance .
6 Each project must be treated separately , and if the cost exceeds the MPO then we recover the balance from the customer .
7 It usually took two men to hold the tyre and if the smith thought the fit was satisfactory — at this time it was half-an-inch larger than the wheel — the boy helping was ordered to throw buckets of cold water over the still very hot steel which would immediately contract and tightly hold the rim .
8 Bones and joints may be affected and if the process involves the nose and palate , a destructive , mutilating condition called gangosa occurs .
9 And if the doctor wants the police the performance will be over by then and the house cleared before they can possibly get here . ’
10 The bowlers must hit a bull to claim a wicket ( centre bull counts as two ) , and if the batter hits the bull one of his team is run out .
11 Quite clearly we can only do that with the resources available to you , and if the demand exceeds the ability of those resources , they will have to wait .
12 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
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