Example sentences of "and their [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And not just in the context of G.W. Fashions and their suitability for a mass market , but in a simple design sense .
2 The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme .
3 So as the 1980s drew to a close , the sub-sectors dubbed Coal , Construction , Petroleum and Metals were all in fine shape , and their outlook for the 1990s is promising .
4 Before the Somme campaign , the spirit of patriotic young Britons was epitomised by the poetry of Rupert Brooke — a belief in the justice of their cause and their hope for a better world .
5 Knowles ( 1952 ) and Newton ( 1969 ) also illustrate differences between mining areas in both their strike-proneness and their support for the Communist Party .
6 Gramsci 's Prison Notebooks represent not only a stirring monument to the human spirit under adversity , but a significant turning-point in the history of Marxist ideas and their relevance for the twentieth century .
7 Before 1914 , when European socialist parties had little prospect of power , the contradiction between their ambition to establish democratic control over economic life , and their sympathy for a liberal internationalism rooted in the principles of the free market , remained largely unacknowledged .
8 Faye turned and buried her face in her husband 's shoulder , and Belinda 's throat constricted suddenly as she saw how their love for each other and their concern for the tiny life growing inside Faye united them in both happiness and fear .
9 Mid-year , they present the strategic thinking for the next edition of their rolling five-year plan , and in November they present the five-year plan itself and their budget for the next year .
10 De Gaulle 's letters in the months before his return stressed that he would take no further initiatives until the French people had demonstrated their disgust with the existing regime and their desire for a radical change .
11 The French consumers ' demands for quality of manufacture and their desire for a fun approach to dressing remain the hallmarks of a label which has enjoyed a cult following in the UK during the past few years .
12 Just accept it , remembering that an ability to show some sympathy and the courage to ‘ stay the course ’ with the bereaved , as they go through their sorrow and their search for a new identity , are the most important qualifications .
13 Their income and their finance for the last year ?
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