Example sentences of "and take [pron] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
2 David had n't been on duty at the factory that afternoon and Rachel had wondered if he would suggest picking her up from her flat and taking her to the hospital , but he had n't , and his failure to do so only emphasised the coolness that was rapidly growing between them .
3 Here , take mine ; there 's plenty , ’ Bertha Cohen said , passing her egg to the Rabbi and taking his to the yard to throw it in the rubbish-bin .
4 Leaving the men and Madeleine sipping Calvados and smoking , the two girls brushed the crumbs off the glossy white cloth and took themselves to the kitchen .
5 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
6 She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds , took them to the first slopes of the mountain , rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl , and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank .
7 Alan wrapped one of his cot blankets round his shoulders and took him to the kitchen to make a drink .
8 When he stabbed and lightly wounded the driver , they tied him up and took him to the settlement .
9 Kath snapped instructions to everyone , and Amy wheeled Mr Thompson out and took him to the interview-room .
10 The sailors carried him carefully on to the ship , and took him to the Captain , who said :
11 Sure enough , someone met him and took him to the adjutant of No .
12 ‘ So , ’ he was saying to the Prince 's chauffeur as Owen arrived , ‘ you picked the two girls up from the salon and took them to the river at Beni Suef ? ’
13 He searched through the desk for various necessary documents that the bureaucratic world would demand to see now that he was returning to it , and took them to the suitcase in the bedroom , together with his agent 's letter .
14 He picked up the tray of tea things and took them to the kitchen where he glanced at the clock .
15 His mother was buried not far off , and as a kind of atonement , on the day of his appointment he bought a bunch of asters and took them to the grave , laying them on the bare earth .
16 The inspector removed the cats and took them to the RSPCA home in Martlesham .
17 He beckoned her in , and took her to the rail to look over .
18 P.C. Clifford extracted Mrs. Millings , and took her to the car .
19 When in May , six months later , he came to Paris and took me to the Tour d'Argent for lunch , he passed me an envelope .
20 Suddenly the official got up and took me to the lift .
21 But it was not until I was at Cambridge , in the following year , that my mother noticed and took me to the family doctor .
22 But the only person I saw for the rest of that day , besides the German who brought my food and took me to the lavatory , was the English orderly .
23 The rumour was , they stripped you and took you to the adventure zone .
24 and took you to the room up in the tower
25 I took the collar off , removed the stones , put the rest in the sack and took it to the gibbet .
26 He made coffee , then found the piece of paper Roxborough had given him and took it to the phone .
27 Then she picked up the wicker bird cage and took it to the sill .
28 She put the page of the newspaper with her letter and took it to the station .
29 I finished my list of demands and took it to the Branch Office , where I received something of a hero 's welcome .
30 With care he lifted it and took it to the mouth of the chamber .
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