Example sentences of "and which be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 This orbit intersects the top face of the box B in two points , one of which lies to the left of the stable manifold of the origin and which is represented by the doubly infinite sequence ( with mark ) …
2 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
3 Without greater honesty , we shall not combat effectively some of the extreme and ugly negativism which is widespread and which is epitomised by the derogatory phrases which Isaacs ( 1981 ) describes as ‘ defamatory ’ like ‘ old Crumble ’ .
4 Others are as big as dragons , great bloated monsters which can hardly move from their lairs and which are revered by the Forest Goblins as gods of the forest .
5 Fishing , which centuries of experience had made into a great food-supplying industry , and which was blessed by the exceptionally rich fishing grounds of the North Sea and the North Atlantic , also employed ships and provided a livelihood for thousands of men .
6 The first concerns a small fish Butis which occurs in the Cigenter river in Java and which was discovered by the German wildlife photographer , Dieter Plage .
7 On the contrary , he concluded that the two non-Green Belt sites referred to ‘ have the potential to offset the shortfall in the land supply which identified and which was accepted by the District Council ’ .
8 However , he ruled out attempts to formulate foreign policy by majority voting which , as he pointed out , would have been disastrous in the Gulf and which were reinforced by the failed attempts to mediate in Yugoslavia .
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