Example sentences of "and she [verb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One final thrust at the embroidery and she tossed it on the table with a muttered oath any of the King 's soldiers would have admired .
2 And she left it in the boot ?
3 To her , religion was morality and appearance , and she kept it in the same compartment of her mind as her dinner napkins .
4 She owed it to the town , and she owed it to the memory of Frank Williams , her father , who 'd had no one to fight for him when he 'd needed it most .
5 She carried a long pole which was draped with hanks of haigus wool , and she dropped it across the rails of the staging , then turned back into the gloom of the shop again .
6 God was clearly on her side and she made it to the living-room door without a hitch .
7 A year later it died of old age and she buried it in the garden .
8 At last the little flame flared and she set it to the paper , watching the end blacken , smoulder and curl as it burned .
9 And she frightened it into the supreme effort that carried it up , soaring and stretching , reaching beyond any achievement it knew of , until , by a hairsbreadth , it gained the crest of the fallen trunk .
10 If she does so and the husband purchases the replacement house for her , and she occupies it on the same terms , a subsequent transfer to her of that house will not be within the terms of the concession ( see p18 ) because that house will never have been a matrimonial home .
11 She is wearing her party smile which slashes to a snarling slaver and she makes it to the kitchen where cold steal lies on Dutch tiles .
12 When Camille entered the open-plan area that was Barbs 's kitchen and dining-room , she realized she was still holding Barbs 's handbag , and she put it on the table with a swift , rejecting movement as though it was hot or unclean .
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