Example sentences of "and she [verb] [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The thick fringe of lashes flicked up , and she felt herself melt into him , slowly reaching out with her hand to caress his impassioned face .
2 He cut and chopped and she felt herself detached from the rotten wood .
3 Every time she tried to move he squeezed his grip and she felt herself begin to black out .
4 ‘ You did a wonderful job this afternoon , ’ he murmured between kisses , and she felt herself swell with pride .
5 And she made herself look about her , at the odd heaps lying on the rough ground , and she said to herself , ‘ Yes , he was right , it 'll be better if it 's paved .
6 People were squeezing by her in the general drift to get a look at him , and she let herself go with the crowd a little in order to see how he was doing .
7 What had happened was no fault of hers , and she set herself to live with it .
8 A sound had her spinning round and she found herself looking into the astonished eyes of Marie as the girl slid from her bicycle and walked forwards to confront her .
9 Her glance slid from this face to the other and she found herself observed by pale eyes set in bloated white flesh .
10 Odd sensations chased through her body and she found herself gasping for air .
11 It was , after all , a wonderful sensation creeping through her in response to his lips , and she found herself drifting into co-operation with him , holding his perfect body against her , feeling his heart beat and knowing that they fitted together in a most satisfactory way .
12 The girls in her class , who had hitherto regarded her as relatively plain , and as a non-starter in the fashion stakes , with no notion of how to twist a school beret or hitch a school skirt , quickly reconsidered their assessment of her , and she found herself elected to an honorary membership of the fastest , smartest slickest coterie .
13 He spun her around , and she found herself locked in that steady blue gaze .
14 And then his need called out an answering desire within her , and she found herself clinging to him with a desperation that matched his own .
15 And she found herself smiling at the stark contrast between the two figures — the small passive figure of the elderly servant and the dynamic , vivid figure of the dark-haired man .
16 With unashamed interest , he studied her anxious , freshly scrubbed face , and she found herself responding to the arrival at last of his faint , elusive smile , her limpid eyes softening with warmth because she knew instinctively that he smiled rarely and that she was privileged .
17 The tall hedge to her left suddenly gave way to a low brick wall , and she found herself driving past the Red House .
18 He laughed , and she found herself laughing with him , enjoying the moment , wanting it to continue .
19 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
20 The housekeeper pushed Jennifer in the small of her back , and she found herself walking into a panelled room in which Lady Roscarrock sat in an ornately carved oak chair .
21 ‘ It was wonderful meeting you , ’ he said , and she found herself staring into his mesmeric blue-eyed gaze .
22 He pushed her head to his shoulder and she found herself snuggling into the comfort , relaxing as his hand stroked through her hair .
23 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
24 The name stuck in her throat , and she found herself fighting against this ludicrous anger .
25 Then darkness enfolded her , and she found herself standing on a solid surface in a shadowed room , staring upwards at the underside of the dimple with a strange sense of having been reborn .
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