Example sentences of "and this [noun sg] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the United States-Soviet summit meeting off Malta on Dec. 2-3 ( see pp. 37110-12 ) , the US President , George Bush , indicated that he would support an application by the Soviet Union for observer status at GATT , and this support was reaffirmed by the US delegation to the immediately following 45th session of GATT contracting parties .
2 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
3 Certainly in the earlier period , but also in Taskopruzade 's lifetime as well , great emphasis was placed by the ulema on the writing of learned works , for example , and this emphasis is reflected in Taskopruzade 's approach to his biographies .
4 The structural contradiction does not produce its effects directly in some mechanical and impersonal fashion , but is the source of a conscious struggle between classes , and this struggle is influenced by numerous other social and cultural factors .
5 And this case is adjourned for three weeks in order that a computer printout will can be obtained .
6 It would seem therefore that low osmolality is the dominant factor rather than glucose transport when it comes to promoting net water absorption and this contention is supported by the higher water absorption from the WHO-ORS compared to UK-ORS in secreting intestine , despite their similar glucose absorption .
7 In December his reply to a new mission from the king and archbishop contained no mention of homage , and this omission was balanced by unusual violence in the condemnation of lay investiture :
8 But one must still be wary the fact that although we 've got this nice electric gadget , that we drop the probe into a bucket of water and it gives us er a salinity it is still entirely dependent on this ratio and this ratio is based on the constancy of composition which is very good for open ocean waters but breaks down in coastal waters where erosional processes , where fresh water additions and the sediment loads of the rivers may actually alter this ratio , okay ?
9 But the use of aircraft in the First World War showed the potential of aerial reconnaissance for discovering and interpreting archaeological sites , and this technique was pioneered by OGS Crawford ( 1886–1957 ) .
10 To open a tin working required capital and this capital was provided by Roberts whose interest was repaid — in tin .
11 At any energy there will be at least one closed orbit , and this orbit is said to parent the family of non-closed orbits that librate around it .
12 Yeah , I , I do n't think it 's a standing order sir , I think its part of erm , I 'm just trying to find it , it 's part of the member 's allowances , and this committee is charged with dealing with member 's allowances .
13 He denied a charge of murder and this plea was accepted by the Crown .
14 It will only change when the psychology behind it has changed ; and this psychology is based on two die-hard principles which together constitute almost the last vestiges of his own Indian-ness .
15 The question principally debated was whether the duty had been validly imposed by the Sovereign though not consented to by the British Parliament or the local Assembly , and this question was answered in the negative .
16 A plot of against c is now linear and this extrapolation is illustrated in figure 9.2b .
17 In 1970 the possibility of building on the tennis courts was discussed and this idea was favoured by the Connexional Church Plans Committee .
18 It 's really good because management 's the same no matter where it is , but in the Health Service there are sometimes specific problems and this course is geared to people working in the Health Service and that can only be a good thing .
19 From the late sixteenth century the size of a domain was expressed in terms of the rice production it could command , and this assessment was made in terms of koku .
20 Pupils with special educational needs may require particular help to pursue the programmes and targets , or in some cases modifications to those , and this problem is addressed in chapter 11 .
21 This replica handgun , complete with blank cartridges and this airpistol were taken from 3 youths after a father complained to police that his family had been fired at from a car , as they drove down Barton Street in Tewkesbury .
22 And this discount is offered in conjunction with a first-time buyers ' discount if the borrower qualifies for both .
23 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
24 With the decline of private rented accommodation and growth of public housing programmes these orientations , and the political demands connected with them , became progressively more differentiated , and this differentiation was reproduced within the Labour Party .
25 The Harp , who had been chasing a fifth consecutive Division One title , were also thrown out of the Queensferry Sports Challenge Cup and this decision was upheld by the Coast FA .
26 Working-class action in the economic sphere , through the trade unions , necessarily takes place in the context of a factual interdependence between employers and workers , and this interdependence is reinforced by the institutionalization of industrial conflict .
27 " Their motto is " What I have I hold " , and this possessiveness is exacerbated by rivalry with party running-mates .
28 Bergman ( 1979 ) also includes Signed Swedish under the title of a language , but her description of its history ( and this history is repeated in many countries ) makes it clear that the system has been constructed with specific aims in mind .
29 Recently , too , there have been a number of commercials using operatic arias , mostly by Puccini , and this trend was endorsed by the 1990 World Cup 's choice of Nessun Dorma as its TV theme music .
30 Our professional surveyors reports are accepted by Building Societies and Banks as is our remedial work , and this work is covered by a 30 year PASS & CO .
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