Example sentences of "and that he [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He told me it was still there and that he 'd been told he 's got to write to them today and they 've got to get it taken off within twenty eight days .
2 It was known that he had been archbishop of Canterbury between 1006 and 1012 , and that he had been killed by the Danes for refusing to pay Danegeld .
3 But the owners of the Handyman Store at High Stakesby , Whitby , told the tribunal that Mr Heselton had broken company rules and that he had been warned about his behaviour only four days before the incident .
4 The sea breeze was strong enough to mould the skirts of passing women , and Grunte , who could remember little of the events of the night , save that he had spent a good deal of money feeding the faces of his party faithful ( ‘ Pity about Hyacinth ’ ) , and that he had been seen back to the Grand after a drink or two by Leroy Burns ( ‘ Grand fellow , must see if I ca n't find him another Sierra ’ ) , gave thought to his pending performance .
5 Rousseau challenged the Christian doctrine of Original Sin ; he believed that man was by nature good , and that he had been corrupted by civilization ; savages were uncorrupted .
6 I am aware of one educated patient , with known duodenal ulcer , who had started taking this medicine for headache , believing it to be Ayurvedic and despite the facts that it is labelled as containing 530 mg aspirin and 100 mg paracetamol and that he had been instructed by his doctor to refrain from all pain-relieving medications like aspirin .
7 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
8 In his book Under Fire : An American Story , published on Oct. 22 , North avowed that former President Ronald Reagan not only " knew everything " about the Iran-contra project but also " enthusiastically " backed it , and that he had been made a scapegoat by senior Reagan administration officials seeking to protect the President and themselves .
9 He said that there had been a postal strike and that he had been trying to write to me and as the mail was getting through , I should get the letters .
10 ‘ In reaching its verdict , the commission accepted Mr Jones has issued a press statement apologising for his participation in the video and that he had been misled and badly advised , but that his actions were irresponsible .
11 It took only a couple of sessions of counselling ( and production of documentary evidence ! ) to persuade Clive that a decline in frequency of intercourse following early days of marriage is normal , that the frequency of intercourse between him and Maureen was about the " national average " and that he had been misled about both this and his own physical normality .
12 The Bath Spa said Mr Meister 's appointment was never seen as long-term and that he had been appointed to groom Mr Howard for the position .
13 Burun remembered that the man 's name was Yuan , and that he had been staying with Nogai .
14 It was believed that Humphrey was a farm worker employed on the Normanby Park estate in the distant Past and that he had been found guilty of stealing from his employers .
15 Mr Roache — known to millions as Ken Barlow — had convinced the jurors that he was not smug , self-satisfied and boring and that he had been defamed by an article in The Sun which suggested just that .
16 He realized that he was tired and that he had been working too long , word upon word , hour after hour , mostly in a poor light , always in bitter cold .
17 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck speaking in New Delhi on his arrival in India on Sept. 9 for a four-day official visit , said that he did not consider a monarchy to be the best system of government and that he had been working towards the greater democratization of his country .
18 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
19 When she began to protest , he claimed he was getting help on an out-patient basis , and that he had been going to AA .
20 By lunchtime Wexford and Burden had interviewed all those members of the darts club that had been present at Jack Pertwee 's stag party with the exception of Maurice Cullam , but none of them had been able to do more than confirm that Hatton had been aggressive , vain and malicious and that he had been carrying a great deal of money .
21 The letter reveals that Turberville 's sons had been kept in Paris as hostages , and that he had been promised £100 worth of land as his reward for treachery .
22 Unfortunately very little , er we know he 's been in prison since nineteen eighty seven and that he 's been sentenced to ten years , but we have n't been able to determine er under what charge , what happened at his trial , whether he was given defence , er access to a lawyer , those kind of things , and er Amnesty believes that he 's been er imprisoned for his beliefs .
23 It 's difficult to be sure , but I 'd say he 'd been put in the water immediately after death and that he 's been tossed about in shallow water over a rocky bottom ever since .
24 ‘ The Tandy shock will prove he 's prepared to use anyone to his own ends and that he 's been leading a double life . ’
25 Could it be that someone took him up on the extravagant wagers he offered constantly during the election and that he 's been forced to three ball his monkey suit to meet his gambling debts ? and then there was the letter in Saturday 's Darlington and Stockton Times from stop-at-home Nick ThorneWallis , Labour chairman of Darlington council 's transport committee .
26 Xorandor explains that he lives on radioactivity , that he has come from Mars in search of food , and that he has been stealing the waste to feed himself .
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