Example sentences of "and they [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And they fought in the pub over hot toddies
2 The triples did not add significant meaning to the document and they interfered with the flow of thought .
3 They understood what the black hat meant , and they agreed with the judge .
4 Dr Macleod explains that these are ‘ chemical substances emitted by an animal or person and they act via the sense of smell .
5 … The judges deputed to the benchers of the societies the task of giving lectures , and examining into the sufficiency of the candidates , and of calling them to the Bar , but they are still mere voluntary societies ; and they act by the authority which the judges have delegated to them .
6 The mortally wounded Aenarion clambered into the saddle of his dying dragon and they took to the air on their last flight .
7 Two of the Moi carrying short poles followed them to a dugout canoe moored by the camp , and they paddled across the river to the plain on the other side .
8 If the trial takes place before the magistrates and they come to the conclusion that the offence under section 54(1) is not made out , they are presently unable to convict of the offence of simple assault unless there is an additional information charging the common assault .
9 It 's all to do with marketing but then again it 's all to do with the reason for that is I suppose that 's what people want you know if they see a video er er if they watch a video on television and they listen to the song it has to add up you know , it ca n't just be a a story book of one thing and a song about another thing you know .
10 The man with the baskets tried to kick a couple of scrawny hens out of his path and they fluttered towards the edge of the road .
11 He eased his horse round and they ambled along the ridge until the ground fell steeply away and a great valley stretched below them , a silver river sketched through it .
12 The train joggled and they fell on the seat , clasped together .
13 It did n't dawn on me how seriously injured I was until I got into hospital and they sent for a cameraman to photograph me because they had never seen anyone survive injuries like mine and they wanted a record .
14 Tamar had no alternative but to do as he said , and they rode from the yard without another word .
15 He joined Kimberley and they trudged across the field .
16 And they know for a fact the minute your kids grab them that you 've got to pay .
17 But before doing so , he contacted the solicitors who represented him in 1981 and they arranged for the crown court appearance .
18 or about five minutes earlier on the motorway and they drove over a part of the barrier , and they got a blow out did n't they ?
19 Duncan , quietly amused by the whole situation , sat in the front with the driver and they drove to the hotel .
20 He returned the embrace and they relaxed for a while in the comfort and safety of each other .
21 Erm I know there had been occasion when we had people sleeping on the the stairway and you know , I think occasionally and but I think sometimes that was maybe somebody got home from a blues party , and had too much to drink or something , and they came into the warm , the heat w from the the downstairs flat , er k comes up on the stairwell , and I know there was someone sleeping there .
22 Tom squeezed on the reins and they came to a halt .
23 They learned part of the answer as dusk was falling and they came to the tower and castleton of Heiton , beyond Kale Water .
24 They 'd been for a meal and they came to the flat and they rung us to say they were there .
25 And they came to the palace with all their animals and lived happily together for many years .
26 Its a , during the course of the time of the crucifixion , Jesus is on the cross and its says there , there were two others also who were criminals , were being lead away to be put to death with Jesus and they came to the place called The Skull , there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left , but Jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing , and they cast locks divided up his garments among themselves and the people stood by and looking on and even the rulers was sneering at him excuse me , and even the rulers were sneering at him saying he saved others , let him save himself if this is the Christ of god , his chosen one , and the soldiers also mocked him , coming up to him offering sour wine and saying if your the king of the Jews save yourself now there was also an inscription above him , this is the kind of the Jews , and one of the criminals who was hanged there was hurling abut at him and saying you are not the Christ , save yourself and us , but the other answered and rebuking him said do you not even fear god , since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds , but this man has done nothing wrong and he was say , and he was saying Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom , Jesus said to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise I wonder if you 've ever been in that awful position of facing of what you thought was certain death perhaps you were seriously ill and er , there seemed little hope of your recovery , perhaps you were facing some danger , some , some risk and it seemed almost certain that short of a miracle you were gon na die , I wonder what sort of thoughts would have been going through your mind , maybe w , may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would of been saying to them .
27 And they came in an old-model passenger pod , out of a slightly battered Stellablaze cruiser — a line that had been discontinued before I was born , and a ship that was markedly smaller than mine , which was gratifying .
28 She kept away from the rue de Rivoli and they went into a café near the port .
29 However , Albert got over that , and so did Jim , and they went into the sitting-room , where Bella was sitting in mini-gear frighteningly too young for her , with office folders on her lap .
30 They went to the hotel , where Filmer and the other owners from the train are staying , and they went into the bar for a drink .
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