Example sentences of "and not [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Type such notes on one side of the paper and limit them to three or four sheets which can be laid out in front of you and not moved during the programme .
2 She must have some complaint , Alida decided , to stay in this house two and a half , three hours , and not ask for the bathroom , it is unnatural .
3 This point accepted , you must still accelerate the clubhead through impact and not quit on the shot .
4 it 's just bringing downm the barriers and not hiding behind the uniform .
5 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
6 In subsequent speeches the same day , Hitler exhorted the Party and nation to maintain discipline , and not to depart from the path of legality in the matter .
7 Ray Wright owns Clearwell caves , which are open to the public and not affected by the pollution .
8 In fact I just stand in the middle of the bedroom looking like a favourite rich uncle on a flying visit from South America , urging her to choose where she 'd like to eat , and not worry about the cost .
9 ‘ I decided to hit every shot in a relaxed manner and not worry about the result .
10 We beat them , so now they can concentrate on the league and not worry about the cup and risk more injuries , because what they want to do most of all is get back in division one and as a soon as they do that they 'll drop back down again , because they 're not that good really .
11 You will find that a large proportion of them need a good ten inches between shelves , not forgetting that there must be ample room for them to be gently eased out and not hooked by the headband .
12 Berg also argued that the fact that G was fully informed and not misled by the report was irrelevant , since it was alleged that he was not acting in Berg 's interest so that his knowledge should not be attributed to the company .
13 I started out that way and not listening to the people you 've been doing it for years and say this is the way you do it .
14 I think you know I was con trying to concentrate on getting the facts over and doing it properly and not listening for the comments so much and thinking more you know what , what can I get out of this here erm
15 However , Yeltsin proposed that the heads of executive power at local level would in future be elected by the localities and not appointed by the President [ for threats to dissolve the Congress of People 's Deputies see p. 38875 ] .
16 As often as not this was fixed and not related to the performance of the company .
17 The constructional devices are laid bare and not motivated by the events or situations in the story .
18 Mozart wrote often to his wife , admonishing her not to fall in the baths , not to go out walking alone , and not to gamble in the casino .
19 By section 50C , a lawful user is permitted to copy or adapt a computer program providing that it is necessary for his lawful use and not prohibited by the agreement regulating the use ( for example , a licence agreement ) .
20 Doctors can ask us all sorts of intimate questions and expect honest answers ; in return , we expect them to treat this knowledge confidentially and not to gossip about the state of our health .
21 The patent licensing , know-how , franchising , motor vehicle , and research and development block exemptions also provide a special ‘ opposition ’ procedure whereby if an agreement satisfying the basic requirements of the exemption , and not containing any black clauses , but containing other restrictions on competition is notified to the Commission and not opposed by the Commission within six months of notification , exemption will automatically be conferred .
22 However , whether or not it does so is a matter of construction , and it seems equally clear both that a court will be unwilling to interpret a clause as applying to such breaches and that , in the event of a dispute , the party challenging an exclusion clause can be expected to raise the argument that the breach is fundamental and not covered by the exclusion .
23 Maybe I 'm just being traditional in my tastes ; it is probably important to watch the compilation in small doses and not sit through the whole three hours as I did .
24 Those manufacturing or marketing computer software or hardware are advised to register a distinctive name or mark as a trade mark and not to rely on the law of passing-off which requires an established reputation .
25 It is important to consult these tables in conjunction with the later faculty sections and not to rely on the tables alone .
26 On the contrary , all perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the universe .
27 Had shock therapy been applied and not led to the results expected , then it would indeed have been a failure .
28 There 's a severe warning against those who ca n't do it in a spirit of of of , lardiness and , and not discerning to the body and and , and the will of Christ .
29 It was held that the owner had not clothed the dealer with apparent authority since he had retained the ignition key and not consented to the dealer having possession of the registration document .
30 Ben and his young friends had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of the other archers , so they were not too pleased when he beat them at their own game .
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