Example sentences of "and to [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To the Death of God , the destruction of morality and to The Sons of Midnight . ’
2 I believe that it is due both to privatisation and to the benefits of restructuring , especially in the electricity industry .
3 We merely became accustomed to the general life of the common birds and animals , and to the appearances of trees and clouds and everything upon the surface that showed itself to the naked eye ’ .
4 Guillemard ( 1982 ) argues that we should widen our conceptualization of class to include typical lifetime trajectories which examine relationships to the means of consumption and production , and to the agencies of state .
5 No. 13 , in page 3 , line II , clause 3 , after " State " , insert " and to the interests of trade unions representing employees interests " .
6 Consideration is given to the distribution of resources in the world and to the problems of development .
7 It is a dynamic system of continuous progressive changes due to external environmental conditions and to the processes of synthesis and decay brought about by the living organisms within the soil itself .
8 Others ascribe the weakening of community consciousness to the failures of the churches to inculcate a sense of moral responsibility into the population , to the fashion for ‘ permissiveness ’ in education in the 1960s and 1970s which undermined respect for authority , and to the failures of parents to control their children .
9 Renshaw considers the extent to which case management lends itself to care planning and to the principles of normalization .
10 We also organise coach parties to the Ballet at Leeds and Hull ; the series of Orchestral Concerts at Scarborough ; and to the Theatres at York and Scarborough .
11 Somehow between them , however , they organised letters of introduction to naval captains who were to give Gould and Gilbert free passage whenever possible , to ‘ persons of influence ’ in general ; and to the Governors of South Australia , Western Australia , New South Wales and Van Diemen 's Land ( now Tasmania ) .
12 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. McGregor point also to the extravagant lengths , as they would put it , to which some of the United States decisions have gone and to the dangers of conflict between the mother and her child , with the child suing for damages for injuries allegedly caused by the negligence of the mother before the child 's birth .
13 Their work bears witness both to the power of partnership and to the powers of expression which we feel able to attribute to groups , to some circle of friends or literary ‘ school ’ — in this case , the group which was at one time drunkenly designated the scholarship boys , angry young men or hypergamists of the Fifties .
14 Electricity supplies to the capital , Lima , and to the cities of Trujillo , 500 km to the north-west , and Ica , 250 km to the south-east , were cut off .
15 Instead it looked to our medieval buildings , our castles and churches , and to the wilds of Westmorland .
16 For the first time since Hugh Schonfield 's Passover Plot in 1963 , certain questions pertaining to the New Testament , to Jesus and to the origins of Christianity , were raised to the general reading public — to the so-called ‘ mass market ’ , rather than to a cadre of academic specialists and theologians .
17 The issues analysed include the adequacy of ‘ investor protection ’ in highly competitive financial markets ; the responsiveness of stock markets to the demands of the wider economy and to the policies of government ; the impact of competition on regulations ; and the lessons , if any , which New York can teach London .
18 Country people may well have to look to themselves in the future , and to the skills of men like Dave Dunn .
19 There are benefactions to the church of St Peter the Little in Thames Street and to the Carmelites in Fleet Street .
20 They have made no impression on the Yugoslavian tragedy — so much so that I wish we had developed our own foreign policy towards the future of Yugoslavia in general and to the states of Slovenia and Croatia in particular .
21 What is remarkable is that this heavily interventionist stance was developed by a government committed ‘ to rolling back the frontiers of the state ’ and to the values of consumerism — ‘ parents know best ’ .
22 What is being compared ultimately is our own response to works of art and to the qualities of simplicity in early Cycladic art , which we may compare with our own feeling for the qualities of simplicity in some of this century 's art .
23 Although the fishermen were not happy about releasing the dolphins , the Mayor insisted , and to the cheers of bystanders , and the chanting of blessings by Buddhist monks , State Senator Chen Goei Miao untied the net and six fishing vessels escorted the cetaceans back to the open sea .
24 As children become more fluent and confident as writers , there should be increased attention to the punctuation that demarcates sentences ( capital letters , full stops , question marks and exclamation marks ) and to the conventions of spelling .
25 He later became known as Magnus the Pious because of his unflinching devotion to the cult of Sigmar and to the ideals of nationhood which Sigmar still signified in the divided Empire .
26 In other words , the project probably did not change schools , but change may have been most likely to occur in schools which were open to the innovation and to the ideas of equality presented by the project .
27 This meant goodbye to the subsidies for the arts and to the traces of freedom for the press .
28 As a result , it has been possible to interpret the experience of history as justifying or reinforcing an attachment to empirical problem-solving and to the virtues of cooperation and trust .
29 He returned to the original sources , in particular the Disquisitiones arithmeticae of Gauss ( published in 1801 ) , and to the writings of Karl Jacobi and Ferdinand Eisenstein .
30 Appointments to the Court of Appeal , to the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords , and to the offices of Lord Chief Justice and President of the Family Division are made by the Prime Minister after consultation with the Lord Chancellor , who himself consults with senior members of the judiciary before making his choice or consulting with the Prime Minister .
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