Example sentences of "and have [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This small but impressive gallery has been a launch pad for many artists over the years and has built up a steady , progressive reputation under the new directorship of Tim Eastop .
2 Recently , Mike Lester has recognized the need to co-ordinate and develop the catering side of the operations , and has set up a small Pub Catering Department under the Estates division .
3 She teaches literacy , numeracy and music to a variety of patients from the centre , and has set up a small bible group with the chaplain .
4 It has also increased marketing activities into the growing Far Eastern markets of China , Singapore and Taiwan , and has set up a new subsidiary in Hong Kong .
5 China has solved the problem of disposing of solid radioactive waste and has set up a complete purifying system for radioactive liquid and gaseous waste , according to participants in a seminar on nuclear science in Beijing .
6 Kim Kethavy , the party 's leader , made his fortune from petrol stations in California and has put up a large slogan outside his office in Phnom Penh 's Market Square proclaiming ‘ Communism is evil ’ .
7 He had tried to keep it as a pet , and had made a cage for it and brought it dandelion leaves to eat ; but it never thrived , and had lived only a few days more .
8 He , too , had risen from humble origins , from a tenement on New York 's east side , and had built up a great reputation as a reformer .
9 The day belonged unquestionably to the Germans , for their six divisions had withstood the heroic , doomed assault of 18 Allied divisions and had relinquished only a small area of ground .
10 After ten minutes we were hot and had to take off a few layers .
11 Mrs Cass , of Wakefield , said she spent half her £92 weekly pension on food for the dogs , and had run up a huge gas bill to heat their individual home-made hutches .
12 The line had not been run a week before all Europeans connected with it were discharged , and the whole thing was controlled by the Chinese , who had carefully watched the progress of the work , and had stored up a vast mass of data for future use .
13 Although well equipped , he had intended being on the mountain for just one day , and had taken only a packed lunch , water , and some chocolate with him .
14 She had her handbag open on the table and had taken out a small leather wallet with several plastic pockets in it , for cheque cards and the like .
15 He claimed that this was not necessary , that Seton was an excellent commander and had put up a splendid defence .
16 The weather was unexpectedly hot , and had brought out a sudden rash of men leering from shop doorways and cars for a glimpse of female flesh , while Vonetta struggled to find my flat on the sprawling council estate where I live .
17 Barker grew very quickly , and had to work off a tremendous amount of energy every day , and since Danny was much too young to take him out for walks , this duty fell upon Connor .
18 I was twenty-eight when it happened , and had spent therefore a whole youth in the shadow of the British Lions .
19 The Spanish Medical Aid Committee reviewing the situation at the end of the first year had sent out forty-seven ambulances , eighty trained personnel , had constructed two base hospitals and several field hospitals and had set up a convalescent home — the Ralph Fox Memorial Home in memory of a well-known author and critic who had died in action in Spain during 1936 .
20 In Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 the defendant , employed by the plaintiff as the manager of his business , surreptitiously copied from the plaintiff 's order book a list of names and addresses of customers with the intention of soliciting them after he had left employment and had set up a similar business on his own .
21 At the time , I was particularly enthusiastic about the possibility of the involvement of one of the major neurotransmitters , acetylcholine , in memory formation , and had set up a simple , fast assay for the brain 's acetylcholine receptor ( called the muscarinic receptor , to distinguish it from other types of acetylcholine receptor ) .
22 Although they have worked as a duo since 1987 and have built up a great following throughout these islands and abroad , their respective musical experiences go back much further .
23 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
24 Manufacturers and packagers have arranged to pick up transport wrappings from retailers and have set up a parallel waste-collection scheme , called the ‘ Duales System Deutscheland ’ , ( DSD ) which picks up recyclable packaging from households and returns it to the manufacturers .
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