Example sentences of "and it [vb -s] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I found the way here when I was a boy , and it spoils you for the human world .
2 Once again , having selected the fax as the print device , you ‘ print ’ to it and it asks you for the address details .
3 I can ask it to read one of these three files , and it presents me with a one-dimensional array of alphabetical characters , including the characters that you are now reading .
4 The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose .
5 It takes a set of fragments and it forms them into a pattern .
6 yeah and they can sell duds and they 're , you know , they 're not missing out , they 'll be making money and it can kill you , and it can kill you even if , you know , you can take the real Ecstasy and it can but supposedly what 's good about Ecstasy is that it 's a designer drug and it gets you on a really good high and you know you dance a lot and you
7 The employee top 10 features those companies which are expanding fastest , and it says something for the performance of WPP that it has managed to perform well in eps and return on capital terms at the same time as it has achieved that expansion .
8 It takes a year to organize this grand event and it says something for the racecourse when the only thing that went wrong yesterday was the weather .
9 It started in 1976 and it says something about the timescale over which these sorts of things have to be planned that the first results of any value appeared 16 years later .
10 The original entries for 995 and 996 may have been lost , and it says nothing of the hostile relations which probably existed with Normandy for a time , and only hints at the troubles in the Irish Sea mentioned above .
11 good descriptive booklet and it tells you on the back , in actual fact I 've got some handouts here which you can pick up when we 've finished the talk , okay ?
12 So it , it , it 's a , it goes much beyond merely a kind of er , cliche , of saying , all people can be sometimes good or people can be sometimes bad , and it tells you about the specific way in which this th this comes about .
13 Although he controls other animals — horses and dogs — he is never able to catch the hart alive , and it escapes him in the moment of death .
14 The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk .
15 It takes you out of your home , out of your immediate family environment and brings you into contact with a much broader range of people , and it provides you with a sort of status .
16 ‘ Once , against Swindon a couple of seasons ago , there 's this fat cunt and Geoff 's standing outside the ground before the match and this cunt bungs a bit of old dog shit he 's found by a hall at him and it hits him on the arm …
17 I turn round , and it hits me between the eyes .
18 We want satisfaction , we want completeness in life , and so we try this and it gives it for a moment , but when it 's finished we 've got ta try something else .
19 When I move on to three eight one , three eight two there 's a lot of things been said about these benefits this morning which does n't leave much left for me but looking at the situation of the way this Tory government has in the last thirteen years , certainly since nineteen eighty two crucified the benefits paid genuinely to people is in itself a crime upon society and it reminds me of the the words of the song it 's the rich that get the gravy and it 's the poor that get the blame and nothing , but nothing has changed since those words were written many many years ago .
20 Erm tin does n't rust and it protects it from the air and water , you get 'em
21 And it means nothing to the layman , two Greek words meaning ‘ grey ’ and ‘ marrow ’ , so we 've given it an easier name , infantile paralysis , which at least is English . ’
22 By comparison housework is boring , lonely , unrewarding work , and it has none of the prestige associated with meeting famous people and working in a glamorous establishment like Claridges .
23 The best players in the world have been here this week and it leaves me on a high note . ’
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