Example sentences of "and be [adv] [v-ing] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The new shows , despite being on at rather awkward times , are proving to be more wholesome affairs and are even starting to include interviews with session guests .
2 The new shows , despite being on at rather awkward times , are proving to be more wholesome affairs and are even starting to include interviews with session guests .
3 New agents have been appointed in the U.S.A. and are now beginning to produce results .
4 How many , I wonder , were caught up in the looting frenzy themselves and are now attempting to make amends ?
5 They are challenging the legality of the appointment of a receiver and are still hoping to retain control .
6 They organised events for charity , gave concerts , formed clubs , and were generally beginning to become part of the administration .
7 However , it must be added that these subjects were consuming quite a large quantity of food and were not attempting to shed weight .
8 SGI is currently working with Microsoft Corp to enable Windows NT for the MIPS architecture — though SGI wo n't offer NT itself — and is also trying to win Gates as a customer for Irix' symmetric multi-processing technology , following Microsoft 's adoption of the GL library .
9 Aside from the money spent before this season ( ie Shearer et al ) he has spent 3M on warhurst , 2.75 on batts , and is still looking to get flowers 2M+ That s over 7M spent , and who has left ?
10 Aside from the money spent before this season ( ie Shearer et al ) he has spent 3M on warhurst , 2.75 on batts , and is still looking to get flowers 2M+ That s over 7M spent , and who has left ?
11 The council says it 's trying to save money , and is merely proposing to bring church schools into line with other state schools .
12 Atreus has bought URSI , a dormant US company , transferred the listing to the UK , bought DB(UK) a small unlisted firm making screens and mirrors under the Selecta brand name , and is now looking to raise £5 million net of expenses through a placing of 11.25 million shares with clients of the broker , Sheppard , and a public share offer at 20p .
13 The subject , Home Economics , has changed considerably in recent years and is constantly evolving to take account of social change and developments in technology .
14 Now a woman had returned and was probably going to lead trouble back to him , and he wanted no part of it .
15 She tells me that Jack was a real piss-head , and was always having to borrow money off her husband when they went out on the town .
16 The ensuing breach upset Laura , who missed having her eldest son at home and was constantly trying to find ways to retain as much contact with him as possible .
17 In the darkness I felt in the hands of God , someone who could do anything He liked with me , even though that someone was more likely to be Mr Slieman , the manager , who with his pencil moustache looked more like a used car salesman and was constantly trying to show Louise , the cashier and kiosk girl , his collection of prophylactics .
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