Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The venue is on the outskirts of Folkestone and the cost for the three-day course is just £40 .
2 Profits jumped 20% to £391m and the forecast for the full year is a leap from £632m to around £735m to £740m .
3 Certainly , it may be admitted that as a consequence of challenges to humanism , the overt force of the national concept within English studies has been diminished ( but far from extinguished ) , and the space for a new and valuable concern with methodology has been opened up .
4 Maronite collaboration with the French — and the support for a Maronite state which later came from Israel — contaminated the community in the eyes of its opponents .
5 Given the creation of Rail Track , the constitutional position in respect of the accountability of and the support for the British Transport Police is clearly most unsatisfactory .
6 In March an amended version of the Constitution will be sent to each member together with the 1985 Annual Report and the Agenda for the 1986 A.G.M.
7 He was glad of the moon , for he had been walking away from the road and the quarry for a long time and had reached the rising , stony ground at the foot of the foin .
8 For journalists like him , and others who had made their names digging out scandals such as Poulson , Jeremy Thorpe , Thalidomide , and police corruption , or by trying to engage the sympathy of the nation and the government for the oppressed in society , life was becoming more and more difficult .
9 Beethoven ( Sonata Op12 No3 ) , Schumann ( Romances Op94 , Sonata Op105 No1 ) , Stravinsky ( Suite Italienne ) 4pm Barbican £5-£12.50 Bach Vespers Cantata 38 ( Aus tiefer Not ) , plus Vivaldi ( Double Violin Concerto ) in context of Lutheran service 7pm St Anne 's , Gresham St , The City NORWICH FESTIVAL Dorothy Tutin joins the Endymion Ensemble for Saint- Saens 's Carnival of the Animals and Poulenc 's Babar the Elephant , plus Ibert , Milhaud 3pm St Andrew 's Hall £2-£8. l TUESDAY Verdi Requiem ECO and Tallis Chamber Choir with soloists Jo Ann Pickens , Sarah Walker , Jeffrey Talbot , Gwynne Howell 7.30pm Royal Naval College Chapel , King William Walk , Greenwich SE10 £5.50-£9 ( 317 8687 ) Olli Mustonen The brilliant young Finnish pianist-composer joins fellow Finn Esa-Pekka Salonen and the Philharmonia for a Grand Gala in aid of the Council for the Protection of Rural England : Ravel 's breezy G major Piano Concerto is framed by aptly Green pieces by Vaughan Williams ( Greensleeves Fantasia ) and Stravinsky ( Le Sacre du Printemps ) 7.30pm RFH £18 incl donation ; £35-£125 incl reception and private view of Legacy exhibition ( 12 photographers ' views of Britain 's countryside ) NORWICH FESTIVAL The Field of Cloth of Gold : A musical celebration of the 1520 meeting between Henry VIII and Francois I of France , played on period instruments by Musica Antiqua of London 7.30pm Cathedral £2.50-£7.50 ( 0603-618499 ) LES PARISIENNES Pianist Diana Ambache and her Ambache Chamber Orchestra offer musical portraits of four femmes de Paris — two of them composers , two of them inspirations for the compositions of others .
10 However each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages , and the suitability for a particular situation will depend on many factors .
11 For the last 18 years this wonderful lady has done the housework , the washing and the gardening for the old people living in our village .
12 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
13 There seems to be little difference between the lack of a requirement of assault and the necessity for a direct application of force .
14 Parental responsibility , partnership , non-intervention , attention to the wishes of the child and the necessity for a full assessment may mitigate the perceived threat of children being separated from their families because of their lifestyle .
15 This calls for high levels of skill in design and production and the necessity for the two functions to co-operate to produce an optimum result .
16 This calls for high levels of skill in design and production and the necessity for the two functions to co-operate to produce an optimum result .
17 When Nizan highlights the technically advantageous position of the writer who portrays a society of stability , and at the same time stresses the desirability and the necessity for the contemporary writer to engage fully in a portrayal of the political instability of post-1914 French society in its turbulent actuality , he locates with unerring precision the revolutionary writer 's primary dilemma .
18 He was asked about the secrecy involved and the necessity for the early morning raids , and he answered that both the Society 's and the Council 's major concern was for the interests and feelings of the children , and that necessitated confidentiality .
19 It is the complexity of these issues and the necessity for the widest consultation which makes the Common Core design task such a lengthy one .
20 Governor Rafael Hernández Colón , in presenting on Feb. 20 , 1990 , his state of the Commonwealth address and the budget for the fiscal year 1990-91 , announced the sale of the state-owned telephone company to finance two trust funds providing money for education and for development .
21 Agree with the vendors the timetable of events following the meeting and the deadline for the revised firm offers .
22 In fact though , we have merely halted the trend of increasing deficits rather than reversed it , and the deficit for the current year is three hundred and forty four thousand .
23 Possible remedies for the lack of closeness to shareholders include the appointment of an intermediary group such as a supervisory board , more flexible audit reporting and the opportunity for a two-way dialogue between auditors and shareholders at the agm or in private .
24 Of the four seats not won by ZANU-PF in the House of Assembly , ZUM won two in Tekere 's home province of Manicaland ; a third seat , also in Manicaland , was taken by the Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole 's ZANU ( Ndonga ) party ; and the election for the remaining parliamentary seat was postponed .
25 But observers were sceptical about the prospects of an end to rebel military activity in El Salvador and the call for a larger United Nations role in verifying compliance with the accord and aiding in the disarming of rebel forces .
26 the Moonies and the Campaign for a Free Britain , offered support to the PRG 's campaign .
27 Elizabeth Wolstenholme-Elmy , for example , was associated with the suffrage movement , Butler 's campaign against the CD Acts , and the campaign for the Married Women 's Property Acts , while Millicent Fawcett , though withholding public support for Butler because she feared it would bring the suffrage movement into disrepute , in fact wholeheartedly approved of her work .
28 The American nuclear umbrella over Western Europe would become less certain and the case for the independent British nuclear deterrent was correspondingly strengthened .
29 On March 24 Jean Charbonnel , a former RPR deputy , announced the formation of the National Co-ordination of a United France ( Co-ordination nationale de la France unie ) , comprising the MRG , the Association des démocrates and the Convention for the Fifth Republic ( Convention pour la Cinquième République ) .
30 After a slight decline in the 1460s , real wages again increased in the 1470s following a fall in prices , and the peak for the whole period of this book was reached in 1477 .
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