Example sentences of "and start [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Crawford would probably stand a much better chance of becoming an actress if she stopped talking about it and started to do the necessary work to bring about her ambition .
2 They looked intently at him , then at each other , then executed a smart about-face ; the scullion with the loaf threw it at the other , who caught it and started to hit the other minion over the head with it as they ran back into the mist the way they had come , their figures — one crouched almost double , one striking out with the loaf of bread — and their running footsteps quickly absorbed by the rolling mists .
3 But there 's no meat , she thought , and started to unwrap the various packages which she already knew contained cheese , a couple of kippers , some liver pâté .
4 Graham reluctantly pushed one of the cassettes into the system , waved the cigarette smoke irritably from his face , then turned his attention to the New York skyline and started to name the numerous skyscrapers to himself in an attempt to pass the time .
5 They lay down , and started to begin the endless discovery of the pleasure of each other , and the endless pleasure of each discovery ; while outside there was a faint , remote rumble which could have been shell-fire , or heavy traffic , or even a loose window vibrating in the wind .
6 While I can not associate myself with some of the language used by the hon. Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) , many people feel that it is high time that the United States modernised its economic relations with Vietnam and started to observe the common action programme agreed between 24 countries in respect of the Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong .
7 He began to modernize the Army ; in 1923 he became prime minister and started to strengthen the central government against the tribes .
8 There are a number of deep paths here , since this is a route to many other peaks and low-level walks , but cross the Allt Coire an t-Sneachda and start to ascend the craggy spur that hugs the western side of the corrie .
9 I stand up , and start to climb the opposite bank leading to the nearer exit .
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