Example sentences of "and turn [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They may display their feelings by refusing to eat , and turning a deaf ear to anyone who calls their name .
2 Many have become lifestyle feminists with husbands and boyfriends who have cultivated the good-humoured acceptance of feminist ideas and who behave as non-oppressive , anti-sexist men , cooking the ratatouille , organising crêches at women 's conferences , and turning a blind eye to untidy houses and piles of dirty washing .
3 Macbeth , for example , asks us some very difficult questions about ( amongst other things ) the relationship between power and sexuality , about acquiescence in the face of evil and turning a blind eye to things we 'd rather not know about .
4 And turned a blind eye to the sinking S** .
5 Marasli wanted nothing but a quiet life , and turned a blind eye to Miloš 's encroachments .
6 Nelson , who took Murdoch 's place in goal , first of all did as his namesake and turned a blind eye to a cross from McGinlay .
7 ‘ You killed him , ’ challenged Thai , and turned a sweaty face to Doyle , who shook his head and smiled .
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