Example sentences of "and hold [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In a large bowl , whisk together the eggs and 100g/4oz of the sugar until it is thick and holds a trail from the beaters .
2 ( He snatches a dagger from the PLAYER 's belt and holds the point at the PLAYER 's throat : the PLAYER backs and GUIL advances , speaking more quietly . )
3 The Asdex tokamak at Garching in West Germany has what is known as a ‘ poloidal divertor ’ and holds the record for the duration of a plasma in a tokamak — Asdex has sustained its plasma for 10 seconds .
4 When you feel the quality of the leather , and hold the heft of the book .
5 Ideally we should launch it at the 40th Anniversary Celebrations and hold the Draw at the Annual Reunion in November .
6 Place the cone or ball on the floor beside you and hold the yarn above the carriage , in the position it would be in if it were threaded through the yarn mast .
7 She also featured in a carving on a ‘ bull pitcher ’ made from the horn of the bull run in 1799 , which shows her wearing a crown and holding a flag with the words , ‘ God save the king and a bull for ever ’ .
8 As on Friday , no one seemed to notice me and certainly no one challenged me as I walked through to Patterson 's office whistling cheerfully ( a Tommy Smith riff which I wished I could transfer from his tenor sax to my battered trumpet ) and holding a plan of the air-conditioning system out in front of me .
9 Her daughter remembers her nursing a baby with one hand and holding a book in the other .
10 Usually he was in camouflage smock and holding an A.K. at the hip , and would probably have knocked half his pelvis off from the recoil if he had fired at that angle .
11 In their defence the party leadership could argue that they had been hampered by the lack of a parliamentary majority ; the choice had been hanging on by the skin of one 's teeth or of giving up and holding an election in the face of adverse opinion polls .
12 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
13 Should this prove to be impossible , he had three aims : to complete in due order the steps necessary for becoming archbishop , to maintain undiminished the possessions and privileges of his church , and to hold a Council for the correction of discipline in the Church .
14 Much the same result could be achieved by creating a trust for sale of the land ; that is to say , by conveying the land to trustees upon trust to sell , and to hold the income of the land until sale , and the proceeds of sale , upon trust for beneficiaries in any desired order .
15 And held a position in the industry at a level not less than junior or first line management at the time of application .
16 Alexander III has been seen as a great lawyer pope : he made pronouncements , gave judgments and held a council for the whole Church in which the law was defined .
17 And the Parish Council was thereupon alerted to this fact and held a meeting on the seventeenth of July nineteen ninety two , the relevant part of the minute of which reads as follows .
18 The dun 's handler plucked a tail feather and held the down at the quill-end against a neck wound to staunch the blood .
19 She adjusted the loose threads in one hand and held the distaff in the other .
20 After Lyle Shelton pulled out Destefani backed off the power and held the lead for the next three laps to take the chequered flag at an average speed of 450.835mph .
21 Freddie knew little about children and held the belief of the uninitiated that every mother doted on her offspring .
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