Example sentences of "and try [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
2 He insinuated his right hand under her arm and tried to ease her towards the Bayswater Road .
3 As a diversion , which would allow time for the passing of the trembling , I reached into my pocket , pulled out the tin of rubbers , and tried to open it in the dark .
4 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
5 As the rebels , sword in hand , ran after the retreating cavalry , sonic of the royal infantry stood their ground and tried to take them in the flank but the heavy rain had left most of their cartridges too damp to fire and the frustrated musketeers thereupon also took to their heels .
6 When I prised her off and tried to stand her on the floor she kept rocking back and sitting on her tail , then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot .
7 As she leaned into the car , the attacker grabbed her and tried to pull her into the vehicle .
8 As he approached the water she begged him to come with her and tried to drag him into the sea .
9 With Southampton trailing 2-1 and desperate for an equaliser , he grabbed the fan around the head and tried to drag him from the pitch .
10 He stopped and turned her towards him and tried to kiss her on the mouth .
11 A dozen policemen rushed into the room and tried to herd everyone into the corners .
12 She looked at her daughter 's lovely face , and tried to warn her of the dangers of love , but the girl did not listen .
13 Dalgliesh got out of the Jaguar and tried to extricate him from the pushchair , but the anatomy of the chair momentarily defeated him .
14 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
15 Chapman called at Bastin 's home and tried to convince him of the spectacular career he would have at Highbury .
16 It was just a question of Mind over Matter , I thought , and tried to steel myself against the physical effects of an increasingly rough ride .
17 She rummaged in her handbag for the key on its wooden key ring and tried to fit it into the lock .
18 Oh who cares , I thought , and tried to bundle her into the bag right away .
19 She leaned on the fence , wrapped her coat more closely round her body and tried to assimilate something of the tranquillity of the night , but all she could think of was the hurt in Barney 's eyes and the stiffness of his voice .
20 He made many observations of atmospheric electricity , and tried to relate them to the weather .
21 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
22 For instance , young and untrained sheepdogs will often spontaneously run round to the other side of a flock of sheep and try to drive them towards the shepherd .
23 One dog may then try to get between the herd and the straggler , and try to drive it towards the rest of the pack .
24 ‘ It is only if you pretend and try to sweep it under the carpet that you get a bigoted response , ’ Mr Purton added after the vote .
25 Take the cards in turn and try to think them into the matter for negotiation .
26 You think of the glow of pride that still lingers from your last HVS triumph with embarrassment and try to console yourself with the mitigating circumstances of age , heavy work responsibilities , duty to family , your back problem …
27 It is out of this divided and constrained perspective that we have developed the materialistic theory of evolution and try to fit everything into the confines of such a bleak and narrow view .
28 Suddenly he 'd arch his back like a twig in a furnace , scraping his stockinged feet for purchase , then take his head in both hands and try to smash it on the floor , only prevented by the cushions .
29 She liked to look at the visitors as they arrived and try to match them with the patients .
30 I roll off my own bank , and try to follow him with the pipper .
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