Example sentences of "and [indef pn] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I wish you and everyone else at the school every success in the future .
2 And as long as this country persists in being the only one in Europe which does n't have a subsidised railway service , Barbara and everyone else with a car will continue to be put off going by rail .
3 Someone was shaking him by the shoulder as the band played ‘ God Save the King ’ and everyone else in the cinema stood to attention .
4 Obstructing you and everyone else in the place , come to that .
5 and er , we were like , we was on about , you know like we were talking about the education system and everything in English and you know I told you they were on about people changing at eleven and everyone else in the class wanted the thirteen system except me , it 's only cos what they 're used
6 Forget the cameras and everyone else in the studio and talk to and look at the interviewer or the members of the panel .
7 , and everyone else in the group .
8 For although his authority was supreme , he preferred to regard himself not as a dictator but as a partner , acting together with directors , players and everyone else in the club in a common purpose .
9 But she had given up all hope of Joss Barnet returning that evening and nothing else in the world mattered .
10 Mrs Langley rose from a chair by the fire and Alexandra was aware of her daughters and someone else on a sofa in the great square bay window ; and even as Mrs Langley was greeting her she could hear Rose say clearly , ‘ Well , whatever else she has n't got , she certainly has elegant clothes , ’ and Alexandra , stung out of all terror quite suddenly , said crisply , ‘ I will tell my aunt how much you admire her taste .
11 Almost all of the higher earners and men with 10 or more partners have had oral sex with a woman , and it 's the men with a regular relationship and someone else on the side who are most likely to have done it in the past year .
12 The lower tier would be known as the Board for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of Christopher Ball as Chairman ; six representatives of local authorities ; six from the DES ; six from institutions , made up of two from the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics , two from the National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education , one from the Association of Principals of Colleges , and one from the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education ; and three others , consisting of one from the Trades Union Congress , one from the Council of National Academic Awards , and one jointly from the Business and Technician Education Councils .
13 Well if he 'd have come down here that night , or that day when there was three cars in in the drive and one right across the pavement , and then that that big lorry on the pavement he 'd have had them would n't he ?
14 It 's too hot and humid during the summer , and all the labs close down after May , although it would be nice to have two apartments , one here and one there in the winter .
15 You may find yourself falling when you enter this den of iniquity , and one once in a while wo n't kill you .
16 Typically , you use an analysis or description of a text to claim some kind of connection between the features analysed and something else about the text , such as its meaning , its effect on a reader , how good it is , or its historical origins .
17 The keen eyes narrowed suspiciously , and something very like a glare marred the erstwhile good humour of Lady Merchiston 's taut-stretched features .
18 Thompson says OpenAgent can be a 30-minute install from a CD-ROM and everything already on the machine is protected .
19 Thompson says OpenAgent can be a 30-minute install from a CD-ROM and everything already on the machine is protected .
20 Scotland will have a tax-raising parliament , but still , apparently , return MPs to Westminster , who can vote on taxes and everything else for the rest of us .
21 It appeared to be a city which could cater to anything one 's heart desired : all varieties of food from the six continents , restaurants and bars open twenty-four hours a day , and everything else under the sun easily available just for the cost of a phone call .
22 After years of living with Lewis she still knew but did not know that ‘ a man ’ could regard reading as the main business of the day and everything else as an interruption .
23 Put himself out of the reach of Dr Ali , the Twenty-fourthers and everything else in the school .
24 Given due attention to other departments of the team plus average luck and good management ( rare commodities in recent times , I admit ) I see nothing wrong and everything right with the purchase of Nigel Clough .
25 My chair and everything apart from the rod , landing net and loaf , are left up the bank .
26 No i I phoned insurance up and told them what they 'd said , cos I got Maggie to phone , it were Maggie that said , they told Maggie that they were gon na put a second hand wheel on and everything instead of a brand new one so she told insurance about it .
27 He must know , because we told him and everybody else at the time , that the directive on pregnant women went through the Council of Ministers on the European Community a few weeks ago , with only the Italians voting against .
28 Enough to squash Christine , and anyone else in the vicinity , against the wall like bugs .
29 Just perfect for children and anyone else in the family with a fair or sensitive skin as well as those who want to limit their tanning or protect those extra sensitive bits .
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