Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [pron] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the deafening thunder of the falls , and the awe-inspiring sight of their dramatic descent , the effect can be sheer magic on a fine day ; as the sunlight catches the spray in flight , and transforms it into an elusive pattern of shapes and colours that suggest in painting the Impressionism of Manet or the mists of Corot , or in music , the evocative nuances of Debussy .
2 Again , he tackles , in The Conquest of Happiness , the roots of human unhappiness , and sees them in an excessive introversion , in an excessive concern with the mechanisms of one 's own mind , and proposes various ways in which people can seek to extract themselves from this introverted obsession with their own mechanisms .
3 If A then sells and delivers them to an innocent purchaser , the latter will acquire good title .
4 Aside from that , it 's a system that adopts a metaphor that everyone is familiar with and implements it in an intuitive way .
5 Sue now weighs 8st 3lbs ( 52 kg ) and tells me in an accompanying letter that her weight loss and subsequent new figure has completely changed her life in every respect .
6 ‘ Pièce Touchée ’ by Martin Arnold , a winner of prizes from a number of festivals including Cannes — it takes a short scene from an American B movie and manipulates it into an erotic dance to hilarious effect .
7 The phototransistor picks up the light emitted by the l.e.d. in the transmitter section and converts it into an analogue electrical signal .
8 Furthermore , as we shall see shortly , the individualistic fallacy obscures an obvious but usually unasked question and , in so doing , rules out of court the answer to it which , as I hope to show , solves in large measure one of the fundamental problems of the social sciences and provides us with an unparalleled insight into the social psychopathology of present-day life .
9 At its best the structure of one of his perorations follows this pattern : he begins with a general statement and summarises it with an accessible example ; then he moves to a narrower statement and concludes with a final example taken from everyday life .
10 This account revokes the tendency of psychoanalysis to slide into an ego psychology , which equates the unconscious with the id , and treats it as an interesting but manageable phenomenon , the stuff on which the profession 's skill is demonstrated .
11 He feels for my breasts and sucks them like an earnest kitten .
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