Example sentences of "and [v-ing] he [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jennie told Katharine to keep pushing with her inside leg and holding him with the outside rein to stop him walking forward .
2 And if he 'd come across any other married woman who kept on buying her husband horses and dogs and fishing tackle and pointing him towards the open countryside while she stayed in town , then he 'd have known exactly what to think .
3 The blood of circumcision , just like the blood of animal sacrifice , could also be viewed as cleansing the boy of his mother 's blood and acting as a rite of separation , differentiating him from the female , and allying him with the male community .
4 Now the mammal is back in captivity , Russian officials plan to cash in on his international fame by building ‘ a floating oceanarium ’ and towing him around the Mediterranean tourist resorts .
5 Yet again , looking at this urbane relaxed figure seated opposite me and comparing him with the romantic figures of Spender and others or with the scruffy Auden , I found it difficult to believe that he was a poet and not rather some worldly and successful company director .
6 Not with the shaft of a golf club driven through his neck and pinning him to the wooden floor .
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