Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Stormtex outer gives the jacket a fair amount of shower and wind protection ; excellent for hillwalking and hanging about at the bottom of climbs .
2 Wholesome cooking used to mean a whole lot of work … not least of it , reaching up to the grill , and scrubbing away at the oven and hotplate .
3 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
4 Now he must go away and I dare say I shall never see him again , ’ Joan said woefully , lagging behind despite Anne 's grumbles and gazing down at the ring .
5 I was standing motionless by the desk , and gazing vacantly at the letter , when I heard some footsteps outside the door .
6 as if on cue , they heard footsteps on the back stairs at that moment , and Tom himself entered the kitchen after crossing the back porch and knocking briefly at the door .
7 She 'd got the job after being made redundant and signing on at the job centre .
8 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
9 The remaining three peaks of the west ridge ( Loughshannagh , Carn and Muck ) are not especially exciting , but below the ridge to the east is a broad shelf containing the beautiful little lake of Lough Shannagh and ending abruptly at the top of the Ben Crom cliffs .
10 ‘ A case for galoshes , ’ remarked the Substitute , tossing a cigar end out of the jeep and looking around at the steam rising slowly from the wet earth .
11 But lying there beside her , listening to the susurration of the tide and looking up at the sky through a haze of grasses he was filled , not with post-coital sadness , but with an agreeable languor as if the long-committed Sunday afternoon still stretched ahead of them .
12 ‘ So I 've heard , ’ answered George , rolling onto his back and looking up at the sky , while he chewed a stalk of grass .
13 ‘ I wonder where Barbs is ? ’ said Tim , stopping and looking up at the bedroom windows .
14 ‘ The wiseacres of the village ’ , so Joseph Cottle heard from Coleridge , ‘ had … made Mr. W. the subject of their serious conversation ’ and concluded that a man so given to wandering the hills at late hours ‘ like a partridge ’ , and looking strangely at the moon , must either be a conjuror , a smuggler , or worst of all ‘ a desperd French jacobin ’ who was spying out the ground for a French invasion .
15 No other words were needed and he stood , walking to the window and looking out at the courtyard that was bathed in sunlight .
16 I remember standing at the back of The Lyceum and looking down at the crowd .
17 She saw that the leader of the religious group had separated himself from the majority and was standing near to the sea 's edge and looking directly at the horizon .
18 As Gloucester used to be a major droving centre , there was inevitably much crossing with various Welsh types and the Gloucester 's slender , white , dark-tipped horns , spreading quite wide and tilting upwards at the tip , are often similar in style to those of the Welsh , though more refined and a little shorter .
19 Shivering at the table and peering down at the paper under the stumpy candle I allowed myself to wander off the straight path through the dark trees .
20 The cabinet slammed full against the shape , pinning it down and jamming sideways at the bottom of the stairwell .
21 The third step is cracked and breaking away at the edge .
22 Instead , he was leaning forward , peering through the glass that separated them from the chauffeur and glaring furiously at the car in front of them .
23 Unfortunately , over one hour later she found herself lying back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling , completely unable to go to sleep .
24 ‘ Come on ; do n't just lie there , ’ Andy said matter-of-factly , leaving his cock alone and lying back in the grass , putting his arm behind his head and staring up at the sky .
25 Morse stood where he was , listening , and staring up at the sky as if viewing the unsuspected behaviour of some distant galaxy .
26 Once more on his feet and staring up at the bell rope , Jasper said , ‘ D' you know what I 'd like ?
27 He sat up , rubbing his eyes and staring out at the mist that hung over the grey stone building .
28 He could have been seven hundred miles away , his hand holding the side curtain open a little and staring out at the darkness .
29 Kidd glanced across at the cornered Volkswagen , its terrified inhabitant , the three FBI men examining the empty attaché case , two more Yankees standing back and staring hopefully at the sky , and three of his colleagues trying to take statements .
30 Two lynx , sleek and amber in the first enclosure that he passed , were disregarding the tourists and staring possessively at the peafowl across the way .
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