Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I do think that the , I do n't think it actually does necessarily come down to glossy brochures , but I think it is a management attitude erm , in terms of mark developing a very much more pro-active marketing approach to going out and competing aggressively in the market place for the contracts .
2 Our cat , and I 've really watched her makes a point of going and walking slowly in the road .
3 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
4 How this approach works will become clearer when we come to discuss acquired disorders of reading and spelling later in the chapter ; but we will give one example relating to disorders of spoken language — specifically , to contrasting patterns of disordered sentence production .
5 After she had washed and dressed in warm cord trousers , leather boots and a thick sweater , she this time took the precaution of collecting her anorak before going out to her car and driving off in the direction of Great Yarmouth .
6 The realism of the old heads seems to me strictly in early classical taste , and the raising and overlapping exactly in the spirit of contemporary developments in wall-painting ; and there can be no doubt at all that the design of this gable is directly and powerfully influenced by those developments .
7 Er sometimes I , I 'm , I get a lot , a lot of things on , I have at the moment , an awful lot of things on , so everything is you know getting in a p a tight path and fast , so I deliberately thoroughly enjoy taking my dog and wandering along in the park .
8 Maureen West says her daughter is still having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night .
9 ‘ I 'd always had a fantasy about living with an artist and waking up in the morning and him standing there with a canvas .
10 Some are undoubtedly produced when ropy strands or shreds of sticky lava are flung up out of the vent , twisting and turning slightly in the air before falling back to earth ; these are known as rope or ribbon bombs , and they may be as much as one metre long .
11 These , although they must be travelling very fast initially , seem to move quite slowly , twisting and turning lazily in the air and tracing out elegant parabolic paths as they fall back to earth round the vent .
12 The third and clinching round in the drive to sharpen the point of sale , goes to the staff .
13 Since that moment of truth , I have been perfectly happy , making my preparations for leaving England and going abroad in the service of God .
14 And that 's 4 weeks cutting , shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques , both old fashioned and up to date .
15 ‘ Come on ; do n't just lie there , ’ Andy said matter-of-factly , leaving his cock alone and lying back in the grass , putting his arm behind his head and staring up at the sky .
16 They are no good at running industries , and probably not much good at picking winners and deciding where in the economy investment can best be directed .
17 In the early days at least , being your own boss means sacrificing your social life , forgoing a salary and traipsing out in the rain to post your own letters .
18 Young people mostly ; some were singing and prancing along in the middle of the roadway .
19 but he , he 's at that age now where I could have another kid and look after it quite easily if I had one , but I do n't wan na go through , not the pregnancy , but I do n't want to go through all the babies and getting up in the night and , one that 'll come out six months old
20 He even put the woman 's view to a certain extent : ‘ Miriam knew that their marriage was dead , but took comfort in the old rituals of going to bed together and getting up in the morning . ’
21 The solution is not to stop training , racing and getting up in the morning , but to make a few subtle adaptations , like allowing ourselves rest days we should have given ourselves years ago .
22 I like joining friends for lunch , and getting together in the evening for talks and discussions . ’
23 The two soldiers carrying the wounded Officer dropped him and got down flat , leaving the Officer bleeding and moaning loudly in the middle of the road .
24 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
25 It was now November , and coming home in the blackout caused me a little nervous anxiety at first .
26 Nic has flu , is exhausted and is sulking , pouting and staring blankly in the corner .
27 Christmas came , and the German officers celebrated it by singing ‘ Heilige Nacht ’ and drinking heavily in the Casa Gandini , which they still occupied .
28 Nevertheless he made a few feints out of sheer exuberance , suggested a turn with his hips , moved at right-angles to his forward path with no loss of speed , changed step three times in successive strides , kicking hard on the last change and accelerating away in the joy of being able to run for ever .
29 For fifteen years I 've spent much of my spare time scrabbling and grovelling about in the mud and gravels of our upland waterways .
30 He searched the rest of the flat , the bathroom especially , removing the wooden panels that covered the pipes , and poking around in the cistern .
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