Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The techniques just described are no more than guidelines in what remains the creative art of studying and describing what an experienced worker is doing or will be required to do .
2 Mr Bevan said Allen hired the two youths by promising them £100 and giving them an extra £10 to buy petrol .
3 Meredith pulled back in alarm , but his hand slid up her spine to cradle her head , immobilising it and making her an easy prey .
4 From then until his death in 1099 at the age of fifty-six , El Cid fought a series of dazzling campaigns against the Moors , taking the fortified city of Valencia and making it an impregnable fortress against his enemies When news of his death reached the rest of Spain , men and women wept openly in the streets , tearing their clothing and lacerating their cheeks in an extravagant display of mourning .
5 Cairns had taken 6 for 70 in the Lancashire first innings , and after watching him add 5 for 75 against Kent Robinson commented : ‘ He is still a youngster but he is setting in well and showing what an excellent prospect he is . ’
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