Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
2 ‘ The native habit of tethering horses and hobbling them in the full glare of a torrid sun ( with a temperature of perhaps 120 degrees F. in the shade ) destroys the strongest constitution and often kills them out-right …
3 The cause of British nurses and nursing itself in the 1980s has been championed most consistently by Trevor Clay .
4 She remembered Doc Threadneedle suggesting she try sucking her finger and sticking it in an electric socket .
5 Like the smaller copepods , euphausiids are mainly herbivorous , combing algal cells from the water and gathering them in a basket-like arrangement of bristles on their many-jointed forelimbs .
6 Bursting a good big dam , or even just letting it overflow , is almost as satisfying as planning and building it in the first place .
7 The new mood turns the idea of what is received taste on its head by employing the use of sometimes ‘ naff ’ items from previous decades , and incorporating them in a fresh context .
8 For example polymethyl methacrylate ( Perspex , Plexiglas ) may be moulded to any desired shape by warming it to temperatures little over 100°C and cooling it in the deformed state .
9 By separating the glycerides from more readily available fats and assembling them in the required proportions it was possible to match the physical properties of cocoa butter .
10 The activity had been planned so that when children helped one another they would be using principles applied in problem-solving on one of the tasks and applying them in a new form on the other .
11 Bill cuts through the line after grabbing at thin air and landing it in an arbitrary process .
12 Largely instrumental , it 's like warm soapy water , soothing and enveloping you in the last bath of the day .
13 Inserting the offending books in canisters of negatively polarised octiron and sinking them in the fathomless depths of the sea was one ( burial in deep caves on land was earlier ruled out after some districts complained of walking trees and five-headed cats ) but before long the magic seeped out and eventually fishermen complained of shoals of invisible fish or psychic clams .
14 Ingarden is keen to emphasize that the delight evoked by such positive culminations is not the essential component of aesthetic experience but a by-product of the activity of discovery , of experiencing an achieved harmony and valuing it in an emotional , contemplative way .
15 An adult , by itself , will be hard-pressed to repel a determined attack on its young , but in a massed colony , outraged parents join together and surround an intruder in a cloud , shrieking angrily , diving on it and harrying it in a continuous attack .
16 Tissues respond to the presence of tubercle bacilli by forming a fibrous wall round the organisms and encasing them in the small nodules called tubercles .
17 In its origin [ Christianity ] presents to man and woman a glorious picture of sexual integrity : the Son of God who has become man and flesh , knowing from inside his Father 's work and perfecting it in the total self-giving of himself , not only of his spiritual but precisely also of his physical powers , giving not only to one individual but to all .
18 Water , the original substance which God created when he made the world , represents change , and immersing oneself in a natural body of water is the only way of changing one 's spiritual identity .
19 He had a gift for coming up with innovative ideas , suggesting links that others would never dream of , and testing them in a rough way to see if they were flawed or might instead lead somewhere .
20 But chimpanzees do not breed well in captivity , partly because of a long pregnancy and childhood , and trapping them in the wild is expensive and wasteful enough to put them at risk of extinction .
21 The writer of the previous essay plan has demonstrated advanced skills by selecting the information or facts relevant to the question and presenting it in a logical argument .
22 Whatever course you adopt , you must avoid overstocking the land and overcommitting yourself in the early stages .
23 He was running on three legs and holding me in the fourth .
24 ‘ By doing this , we 're simplifying the process of using a spreadsheet , and doing it in a consistent way .
25 The Boogiemen are the latest band to record a demo tape of cover versions , bringing together several soul and blues classics and recording them in a mellow style .
26 This is probably achieved by mutant p53 binding wild type p53 protein and sequestering it in a biological inactive oligomer .
27 On 12 May 1992 Mr. Butler was again found to be in contempt of court by cutting telephone wires at Mrs. Butler 's house and assaulting her in a public house .
28 Froggy was staying with me as usual , making a few bob at caddying on the nearby courses and spending it in the local pubs .
29 Well , gravity was stretching me one way-in the direction pointing to the centre of the hole — and crushing me in the sideways direction , right ?
30 The isolated teeth are considerably more digested than the in situ molars , both in terms of frequency and degree , but the pattern is the same in both , and combining them in a single sample gives a digestion index varying from 18–22 per cent for the means and 15–62 per cent for the total range of all samples .
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