Example sentences of "and [is] [vb pp] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When this process is completed , the plate is ready for printing and is placed on the bed of the etching press .
2 Fig 33 … and is placed on the mast below the boom .
3 Bull comes in for Beardsley , Thomas replaces McMahon in midfield and is joined on the right by his Arsenal team-mate Rocastle .
4 Portfolio M is the market and has a value of 1.0 and is situated on the ray OZ by definition .
5 The dome is protected by a timber roof and is tiled on the exterior .
6 Completion rates — this is a measure of the ‘ quantity ’ of degrees obtained , and is based on the percentage of each student cohort which completes the course of study on which they have set
7 The first approach is advocated mainly by theoretical linguists , and is based on the notion that there is a universal grammar underpinning human linguistic competence [ Chomsky , 1957 ] .
8 Project English 3 is also divided into eight projects and is based on the idea of The Canterbury Tales .
9 The idea of a payment for public exhibition was first developed in Sweden during the late 1960s and is based on the idea that the exhibition of paintings and other works of art is a service to society and , accordingly , the artist should receive some form of exhibition payment .
10 This doctrine ( the direct effect of directives ) results from the case law of the European Court and is based on the idea that a Member State can not be allowed to rely , as against the citizen , on its own failure to fulfil its Treaty obligation to implement directives .
11 The premise of much of what follows is contrary to that view and is based on the view that to separate the ‘ educational ’ from the ‘ management ’ processes of schools is a fundamental misconception — at odds with the British educational tradition , with what is actually happening in other countries and even with its own origins in industrial and commercial practice .
12 This shows changes in the length of the family cycle and is based on the assumption that all the brides involved ( in all of the periods ) were aged 22.5 years at marriage .
13 The difference in the enthalpy of base pair stacking between the least exothermic ( A-U on U-A ) and most exothermic interaction ( G-C on C-G ) within mixed sequences amounts to 35.7 kJ mol -1 , and is rationalised on the basis of the difference in charge distribution within the G-C and A-T base pairs , and consequently the magnitude of dipole-dipole interactions when the base pairs are stacked together [ 21 ] .
14 Liberalism is a rationalistic theory which has little regard for the past , is primarily concerned with liberty and is constructed on the assumption of the autonomy of the individual .
15 This approach is in line with common sense and prevents others from flouting patent law by changing details of an invention whilst retaining the underlying principles involved and is justified on the basis that patent specifications and claims are directed to technical people , not lawyers .
16 A Richards function was fitted to the data points using the BMDP package and is shown on the graph .
17 We reach this conclusion in the light of the evidence that notwithstanding the rules as to dismissal for theft as applied in the first place … each case can be and is reviewed on the intervention of the security officer who … will make an appropriate recommendation where the case does not warrant dismissal . ’
18 The gospel is changeless and is centred on the saving power of Christ and his lordship over our lives .
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