Example sentences of "and [to-vb] them [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clinton ordered agencies with facilities that release toxic pollutants , including military bases and research laboratories , to develop a plan to reduce their output by half by 1999 , and to report them to the public as private companies are now required to do .
2 We saw the goal of feminist socialists as raising the status of women and to include them in the share-out .
3 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
4 The promise of high rewards is necessary to provide an incentive to encourage people to undergo this training and to compensate them for the sacrifice involved .
5 To buy some guided missiles and to hide them in the ground ,
6 This section gives effect to the recommendations of the Clayson Committee as to who should have the right to object , confers the right on organisations representing owners and occupiers in the neighbourhood , also makes it obligatory on all objectors to lodge objections with the clerk to the licensing board and to intimate them to the applicant .
7 A worthwhile longer-term project , which gets closer to the heart of the matter , is therefore to begin to unearth these injunctions , to bring them to light , and to put them to the test of rational and empirical scrutiny .
8 This format makes it easy to fit the words to the ( edited ) pictures and to cue them to the start of each section so that they all come at the right place when they are being recorded onto the video sound track .
9 Finally , in contrast to the previous characteristics , there are modifications which seem to have a more didactic function : corrections , display questions and a tendency on the part of the adult to initiate a high proportion of topics , and to pursue them at the expense of the topics that the child might wish to introduce .
10 However , we believe that unless there are exceptional circumstances , it is for people with local knowledge to look at individual proposals and to decide them in the way that best meets local requirements .
11 It administers the 1958 and 1967 Public Records Acts which oblige government departments to maintain and select public records for permanent preservation and to transfer them to the PRO when they are 30 years old .
12 It is an invitation to enumerate the conventions and to contrast them with the law .
13 He was able to take characters who at the start seemed ordinary enough , if prone to human weaknesses and vices , and to elevate them into the world of the scarcely real , of adventures and encounters riddled with the absurd .
14 On his return to the USA Horton decided that it was time to try out some of his ideas , and to test them with the light of practical experience .
15 It is a significant attempt to use spatial policies to co-ordinate existing research development and future innovations and to facilitate them on the ground .
16 I would emphasize first , here speaking as one who has in the past given evidence on behalf of the Government , that the value of the scrutiny process is in part that it forces those with more direct power to consider their positions and their arguments carefully and to defend them in the face of public questioning by a Committee whose members may have long experience of the subject-matter involved .
17 Those families in which a parent died from an illness known in advance to be terminal seemed to be better able to respond to the needs of their children , and to prepare them for the loss with information and emotional support .
18 for these children the field is wide open to start all over again , and to introduce them to the idea of religion from scratch .
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