Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
2 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
3 They were told to spend a maximum of fifteen minutes on this task and to restrict their accounts to a maximum of half a page .
4 I do expect all of you in our Service teams to drive clean vehicles , to wear the Healthcare uniform , and to discharge your duties in a courteous , friendly manner .
5 By now Labour was fully committed " to maintain such armed forces as are necessary to defend our country and to fulfil our obligations as a member of the British Commonwealth and of the League of Nations " .
6 Convenors of local committees are still encouraged to go along to the police and to discuss their plans for an event with them .
7 It is impossible to get the Holy Spirit taped , and to fit his movements in the Acts into any tidy ecclesiastical or doctrinal pattern .
8 He may need to do all this , and to ventilate his fears of a future without her ; but he has probably been told since he was three years old that ‘ boys do n't cry ’ , and that men must always show courage and maintain the stiff upper lip , so he may deny himself the relief of lowering his defences and ‘ letting go ’ which society expects the widow to do quite naturally .
9 It enables a team of interviewers to give the same informants in the same predetermined order , and to record their responses in a standardized way .
10 ( ii ) By this stage , pupils will be using writing to learn and to record their experiences in a wide range of classroom activities .
11 It is , indeed , quite a common occurrence for a government to have second thoughts about a Bill during or after its progress through the Commons and to use its supporters in the House of Lords to make the changes in a Bill then seen to be desirable .
12 It is theoretically possible in each case to work out the maximum sustainable yield , and to determine which classes of the animal — superfluous young ones , superfluous males , old ones — can safely be caught without damaging the stocks .
13 For some years schemes have existed to encourage teachers to set out like Victorian missionaries to explore the strange and wild territory of industry and to convert its leaders to an acceptance of the virtues of education .
14 Now it is hoping to take shares in another quartet of carriers and to spread its wings into the world 's biggest single airline market , the United States .
15 I was very interested to learn more about Barclays ' methods of training these days and to get your views on the materials supplied , particularly videos .
16 If Britain was to avoid future wars , she had to strengthen her economic and military position and to develop her relations with the Empire in order to deter would-be aggressors .
17 They will be encouraged to use a variety of information search and recording techniques and to present their findings in a format of their choice .
18 It gave me an opportunity to study the great comics like Tommy Cooper and Dave Allen , and to hone my skills as a singer with the band .
19 However , there are a number of things you can do at home to keep the coat healthy and to minimise your trips to the salon .
20 The aim of this project is to use the APL process to assess the management competences of a group of managers against the recently developed standards and to link their achievements to the HNC in Management .
21 Cheshire County Council wants to sell Appleton House Assessment Centre in Upton , Chester , and to move its residents to the Gorse Hill home for the mentally handicapped in Blacon .
22 I like to say what I have to say in as few words as possible and to lay my cards on the table for all to see .
23 Well I think that it must be recognised that the current state of demand and supply is going to make it very difficult for most applicants , and we would be concerned to advise them not to panic unduly as a result of that , and to make their choices on the sort of rational criteria that would apply in any year .
24 In the ninth century the monks ( who lived on the south side ) built the more southerly of the two towers which still adorn the church , and from this tower the bells summoned the faithful to attend their masses and to make their contributions to the monks ' support .
25 What sustains him is the comfort he derives from the spiritual world of the Indian , as he escapes the alienating environment of the school to listen to Quechua music and to renew his bonds with the magical world of nature , but his experiences call into question the effectiveness of Quechua values in the white world in which he must live .
26 Lucy went — and as she walked back to the office she wondered what had got into her to cause such unruliness of her tongue and to bring her claws to the surface .
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