Example sentences of "and [vb base] them with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would like to take each tent by the comer and pull it down , and I would untether all the neat horses and the sleek , brushed bulls and send them with a huge cry into all the hills .
2 You will either get the four nos of the Synopsis from the work room drawing portfolio , in Government House and send them with the larger copy .
3 Drawing No. 78 has this comment : ‘ This Plate exhibits one of these new buildings which afford comforts the poor inhabitants of the picturesque seldome enjoy ; but it is but just to observe that the wealthy residents in Ambleside , natives and strangers , are exceedingly attentive to the wants of the needy , and supply them with a discriminating kindness that does equal honour to their heads and to their hearts . ’
4 To abolish the existing Governments of our country , North and South , and replace them with a true Democratic Republican Government owing but one allegiance to the Irish people .
5 To get it to work properly , we have to clear out the old powder , which are our old conditioned thought patterns , and replace them with the right ones .
6 So it seemed sensible to move into this area , take advantage of that for ourselves , and provide them with a better service .
7 ‘ We must also fight for the interests of British business in world markets and provide them with the best environment in which they can compete and succeed . ’
8 Former Glamorgan player John Derrick struck an unbeaten 30 of 21 balls to see Wales safely home and provide them with the perfect tonic for their Nat West Trophy game with Sussex at Hove next Tuesday .
9 Tip the fruits into a sieve ( save the juices that drain from them to whip with thick cream to serve with the Bakewell ) and mix them with the flaked almonds .
10 Another solution is to dig a hole in the garden , place the bowls in this , and cover them with a thick layer of leaf mould , peat or peat substitute , but the bowls must have drainage holes or they could become waterlogged during heavy rainfall .
11 Staff will lobby the councillorsfore tomorrow 's meeting and present them with a two thousand signature petition .
12 While the concept of enriching teaching through the use of various and varied media , was clearly sound , there was no technology available to draw the ingredients of multimedia together and unify them with a single , practical teaching resource .
13 Look for rollers that are kind to hair and use them with a gentle setting lotion
14 Er and er you 'd say , well try and get on old sheet and wash it thoroughly and iron them the p cut it up and iron them with a hot iron .
15 Use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris from between the key caps and clean them with a suitable solution .
16 for the first crossover you take three stitches from the left and cross them with the three centre stitches .
17 Chop the remaining chillis and serve them with the chilled soup , after adding 2–3 × 15ml/tbsp soured cream or natural yogurt , if required .
18 So why did she find it so difficult to ignore the mocking , taunting comments and treat them with the silent scorn they so richly deserved ?
19 They hunt down any who harm their steeds and treat them with the utmost severity .
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